XV {Xiao VS Itto}

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"I gotta give credit to that kid for getting us out of detention"


"Soo...now what do you wanna do?"

"I'm not sure"

"Wanna prank Itto again?"

"Oh heck no! I don't wanna get into detention again"

Eula and Ganyu were laughing

" Wait...."


"Is Ajax your brother..."

"No why would you ask that? And besides the name "Laurence" is pretty common here"

"And especially the name Ajax" Eula said continuing her sentence


"Well could you teach me some of your methods on what you did back there at sword fighting class?"

"Yeah sure! When do you wanna start?"

"Either today evening or tomorrow"


"But...I want to know more about who this Ajax student is"


"Well...lets forget about him he might be a random student who asked the principal to let us go 20 minutes early"


They both go back to their dorm

A few days later Eula and Ganyu had sword fighting class again with Ms. Raiden Shogun

"Alright everybody you know what to do"

Everybody practices their sword fighting skills for 10 minutes and then they make a crowd to see who will get picked for fighting

"Alright and our first contestant is.....Arataki Itto! Come on up!"

"Hah! Obviously I will get picked cause I'm the BEST!"

"Alright Itto there is no need for you to act like a narcissist right now. Behave properly or else you wont fight"



"Alright.....our next contestant is....Xiao..Come on up"

Xiao walks up nervously in front of everyone

Everybody was murmuring because Xiao never got picked before

Itto notices that Xiao was nervous...so Itto made a plan where he would go real hard on Xiao while fighting. But little did he know that there was a surprise that Itto did not know that Xiao planned

"Alright quiet boy....you ready to fight like a man or what!?" Itto said confidently

"Oh i've never been this ready to fight before" Xaio said in a quiet tone so Itto could not hear him.

"Oh what's that you said?"

"Let me guess....your really scared that you will get beaten up by the strongest guy in school?"


That is when the word "typical" angered Xiao that he got so annoyed that he just revealed his powers and beat Itto in one move

Itto got hit so hard that he almost crashed into the wall and his nose was all bloody

Everyone gasped even Ms. Raiden Shogun

"Xiao we do not do those kinds of things while we are fighting!"

"Go to the principal's office! NOW!"

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