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Kahar just finished his SPM. He didnt continue learning, he didnt wanna leave his little sister.. He couldnt, he had responsibilities for his family. Qaseh, Mia and his mom. he couldnt bare to stay with his dad any longer, selalu kena bantai je ngan bapak sendiri. While Mia turned 13 and is gonna get into asrama soon, Qaseh in the other hand is 11 years old. He haves to prepare everything for Mia and take Qaseh to school everyday. He works at a barber shop that was beside a cafe. When his on break, he goes to the cafe nextdoor. 'What kind of money can he get from working in a barber?'
well, he works two jobs at the same time. Since he is good with kids.. He works as a babysitter at night while he works at the barber at the morning. He doesnt care what his dad is doing anymore.. He haves a lot of memories from this certain friend that he met when they were kindergarten. But went their own seperate ways after.


Farhana is just the same like Kahar. Didnt wanna continue their learning for their family, in fact their situations are almost the same. Except for their elders. While Kahar still haves his mom to take care of, Farhana takes care of her dad and two brothers. Well one of them is 14 already, duduk dekat asrama kurang lah sikit beban bagi Farhana hehe. She works at the cafe from morning till midnight. She always goes to the pharmacy to buy her dads pills, his dad haves a sickness and she doesnt have enough money to afford the surgery. She doesnt want her dad to suffer but she didnt have that kind of money. Her mom? Well her mom didnt divorce his dad but just disappeared from her life when she was 9 years old. She learnt silat from her dad before he got sick, she uses her skills as a self defence everytime shes in danger. She can always safe herself from anything but can never escape from the fear of losing someone she loves. She pretty much haves mommy issue while Kahar haves daddy issues. the total opposite but the same situation.. How bout their attitude? The polar opposite.


im not really good at explaining personalitys jadi kena tengok lah development sendiri dalam cerita ni😭
and mungkin aq takkan update cepat sangatt.. Because aq ni kadang ii idea banyak but xtau nk ckp mcm mana !! anywaysss

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