'' I see you everywhere. Anywhere i go, your
presence is ALWAYS there. Are we.. Soul-
mates?.. ''
After SPM, you decided to not continue your learning instead you got a job at a Cafe. The cafe was simple, not so crowded. A place w...
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Readers POV:
"Akak bangun kak!!" i felt my brother Adam shaking me, i couldnt open my eyes. My body was burning, i couldnt breath properly. I was panting like i just finished a marathon. Adam put his hands on my forehead, his eyes goes wide as he screamed for Mikhail.
i was confused, i wanted to get up because i will be late for work. But Adam pushed me down, i felt weak. I fell back as he pushed me.
Mika came in with panadol and a glass of water,
"Aku tahu kau tak suka ubat, tapi dari semalam kau bangun peluh macam baru lari marathon. Nah"
he passed me the pill and the glass of water. I couldnt reject, why? Kena sumbat nanti mati aku.
"Ye lah ye lah..." i took the pill from him him and swallowed it with one gulp of water. I still tried to get up but he pushed me down again.
"Ish bagi lah aku bangun. Nak pergi kerja niii"
"Tak payah, abah dah call manager tadi."
"Dah siapa nak jaga kau?" i was kinda annoyed, aku bangun bangun dia paksa aku pakai tudung. Terpaksa an, aku pakai lah..
"Tu!" Adam pointed at the door frame, Kahar.. KAHAR?! Bukan dia kerja ke? eh apa ni?! pagi2 duk rumah aq dah!!
"Oi kahaq, kau buat apa sini?"
"Kahaq kau panggil aku? Its KA, HAR. Harrrr, bukan kahaq ye cinta?"
"Dah tu aku bukan Cinta aku farhana!" if i tried to talk again i might lose my voice.
"Nak aku panggil kau Farhan? Better aku panggil kau Cinta an? Sweet sikit.." he chuckled, i gave him a death stare hoping he would get the sign instead he stared back. Fuu, asal hot dho.. EH EH BUKAN DIA HOT, AQ TENGAH RASA HOT, PANAS. Aku tak tahu kenapa tapi aku bau macam benda hangus..
"Pergi je lah kerja, adik2 aku ni jenis boleh urus diri."
"Urus diri? oi cik oii, dia nak bakar roti pun habis hangus." he pointed to the kitchen
"Dah tu, aku lapar. Kau sakit, aku call lah boyfren kau!" Mikhail finally spoke up, boyfren? Boy i just met- wait i knew him since i was 4 WAIT-
"Dia call aku, guna telefon kau"
"Macam mana kau tahu nombor Kahar dik?" theres no way he would know! right?
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