3- Truth

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"Well, entahlah

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"Well, entahlah. Masa aku umur 9 tahun, ayah aku start sakit. Pastu mak aku selalu kerja shift, balik lewat malam bawak ubat untuk ayah aku. Tapi satu malam ni masa dia pergi shift. Tak balik2. Aku tunggu je depan pintu tu untuk dia balik tapi sampai ke sekarang aku dah tak NAMPAK pun mak aku. Sebab abah aku sakit ke? Sebab abah aku ni lembik sangat ke untuk jaga mak aku ni? Apa salah family aku?! Mak aku tak bagi sebab pun untuk tinggal, AKU TAK FAHAM. APA SALAH ABAH AKU DAN ADIK AKU?! AKU PUNCA KE?!" air mata menitik di bucu mata. Aku cuba untuk hilangkan air mata tu dengan menyapu pipi aku. Tak berkesan. Air mata menurun seperti air pancut.

"Hey hey, calm down. Ni bukan salah kau, ataupun family engkau.. Maybe mak kau ada sebab yang tak boleh nak bagitahu engkau ke? Jangan fikir mak kau tu sebagai villian. Ingat, syurga di bawah telapak kaki ibu." Kahar cuba explain ke aku. Aku tak faham.

"Kalau syurga di bawah tapak kaki ibu aku. Mana mak aku sekarang ni? HA?! Ish, malas lah aku nak cakap pasal ni. Aku nak tidur lah." aku masuk ke dalam rumah, meninggalkan Kahar yang sedang proses semua ayat satu satu.

(tukar english yh?)

i was laying down on my bed. scrolling some family pics through my phone. could've been normal if Kahar wasnt here. Tak tahu lah mamat tu nak apa. serabut aku.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Masuk lah.." the door opened slowly, revealing one of my brother. They walked in then closed the door behind them.

"Kakakk.." Mikhail said my name with the softest tone.. Nak mintak benda lah ni.

i hummed as a question

"Kalauuu nak pergi main bola kat luar bolehh??" thought so.

"Ha boleh lah.. Jap akak pergi ambil kunci kereta."

before i got up to exit my room. i thought of something... Who was gonna take care of Abah? i cant just leave him alone! Its not responsible of me for a daughter..

"Tapi siapa nak jaga Abah nanti?" i looked at both of them, asking a question they probably dont know the answer to.

"Tapi kakk.. Abah nak ikut!"  HA? since when did abah like to go outside?!

"Kau sure ke? Pergi panggil abah" Mikha nodded then dragged me to Abah.

"Abaahh, betul ke nak ikut sekali? Abah kan tak siha-"

" Abah dah lama tak pergi keluar dengan anak-anak.." i didnt even realize that he was already wearing a polo colar buttoned shirt and some loose jeans.. Tua ii pun still ada style eh?

wait. i feel like missing someone.. siapa eh... OHHH KAHARRR

"tapi.. Tapi Kahar macam manaa??!!" Abah shook his head in dissapointment. Ha?

"Dia dah tunggu dalam kereta tu.. Dah lah, jom" Abah took his cane and got up. He kinda struggled so i helped him out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2023 ⏰

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