Promises We're Meant to Keep

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Promises We're Meant to Keep

A promise Oriana and Michael made when they were twenty-one years old was that if they were not married by the time they are 35, then they will marry each other. Oriana hadn't given a second thought to the promise in years, but Michael remembered and he is making it a reality now.

Started March 10, 2023.
Published March 10, 2023.
Completed tba.


She thinks our story is over.
It's just beginning.

Michael Bakari Jordan

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Michael Bakari Jordan

Michael and Oriana first met in 2009 and over the years they became close friends. Things never got romantic at the time because Michael constantly had a girlfriend and Oriana was in a long-term relationship. They lost touch after a while but reconnected after Chadwick's death. The pair hung out platonically with other friends in the city.

 The pair hung out platonically with other friends in the city

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Oriana Garcelle Edinburgh

Oriana Edinburgh owns one of the top interior design firms in the country. Today, she's designing for a client that she has never met but he demanded that Oriana be the only person from her firm to design his newly acquired house. He gave her free reign to do whatever she pleased with the home.

Oriana found it weird but she was used to men not knowing what they wanted in their homes and letting interior designers do what they like with the home as long as it wasn't over the top.

But this one took the cake, every time Oriana sent something to approve for the house, he would have his assistant tell her to pick whatever she liked for the house and he would be okay with it.

Oriana wanted to strangle the man but she kept herself composed and continued doing her job.

Today, Oriana was finally going to meet her mystery client at the house to go over some major construction issues. Heading into the house, Oriana finds Michael standing in the foyer with the head contractor, Felix who has been working with Oriana for ten years now.

"Michael, what are you doing here?" Oriana asked Michael, confused.

Michael smiled.

"I'm your client," Michael answered.

Oriana frowned.

"So, you've been the one getting on my damn nerves," Oriana said.

"Hey, I gave you full control over the whole thing, Oriana, you're the one that can't take a hint," Michael said.

"Whatever, I'll curse your ass out later but first we have issues to deal with," Oriana told him before greeting Felix and getting start to work on the resolving issues with the house.

The whole time, they talked and toured the house, Michael stared at Oriana like she was the only girl in the world and Oriana had to stop herself from checking him in front of Felix.

"Stop staring at me like that," Oriana whispered to Michael as they walk around his large walk in closet.

"Like what?" Michael asked as he shrugs nonchalantly at Felix explaining how he needs more time to redo the the doors in the main suite.

"Like I'm the only girl in the world you see," Oriana answered.

Soon Felix leaves to go handle something while Oriana and Michael heads out to the backyard.

They walk around, talking about things until the subject of children and marriage comes up.

"At 35 years old, I thought I'd be married with kids and I'm not. I failed at this," Oriana says as she and Michael sit poolside.

"So, let's get married then," Michael said.

"What?" Oriana asked, shocked by his words.

"Yeah, let's get married. I remember we made a promise that if we weren't married by age 35 then we would get married to each other, I don't know about you, Oriana, but I like to keep the promises I make," Michael explained to her.

He's a good heart, he's a good man — everything on paper Oriana wants in someone, so why not get married to Michael and live her best life? Oriana thought about it for a moment before she looked at Michael and smiled.

"Yes," Oriana said.

"Yes?" Michael asked to make sure she was one hundred percent agreeing to what he asked her.

"Yes, let's get married, Michael," Oriana told him.

Promises We're Meant to Keep • MICHAEL B JORDANWhere stories live. Discover now