Engagement Announcement

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Chapter One | Engagement Announcement

"He said we're going to get married and we'll live in the very house I'm designing," I told Kelly as we walked around the house I've been designing for weeks now. "Aren't I the luckiest girl?" I asked her.

"Beyond lucky, Oriana. A great career, designing the house where you and Michael are going to live and getting married just because of a promise you made when you were twenty-one years old," Kelly answered sarcastically.

I stuck my tongue out at her.

"I know it sounds crazy but I think it'll work for me," I said as my phone buzzed with a new message. "I mean I prayed for God to send me my husband and he did," I said as I read the message from Michael.

He said that he was announcing our engagement on his social media in two minutes so I needed to be ready for all the attention I was going to receive from the media soon. I texted him back saying that she understands.

"What's up?" Kelly asked as she notices that I'm still on my phone.

I look up from my phone. "Oh, Michael just giving me the heads up that he's going to announce our engagement soon on his social media," I answered.

Kelly's mouth falls open. The expression of shock on her face is as good as her true feelings about my quick engagement to Michael as I can ever get from her. I placed a hand under her chin and close her mouth for her.

"Isn't it too soon? What if y'all change your minds about this whole thing?" Kelly asked.

I shook my head.

"We are serious about doing this, Kelly," I replied.

"I- I..." Kelly paused.

"You what? You don't support this?" I asked her.

Kelly sighed.

"Ori, you know I'll support you through whatever but I don't want you to get hurt, marriage is very serious, you can't play around with it," Kelly answered.

"We're not playing with marriage, Kelly, we are serious about this. We even picked out a date and everything. As my maid of honor, I need you by my side," I told her.

My phone buzzed and it was a notification from Instagram saying I was tagged in a post by Michael I clicked the link open and see the post. I playfully rolled my eyes and I laughed at the picture he chose to use to announce our engagement. He chose the one from when we were celebrating his birthday and we were completely drunk and had to be carried out of the restaurant by our friends.

 He chose the one from when we were celebrating his birthday and we were completely drunk and had to be carried out of the restaurant by our friends

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michaelbjordan Current Mood: Engaged @orianaedinburgh 🤍
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"Awe, he must have known he was going to marry you that night if that's the picture he chooses to post," Kelly said as she looks at Michael's post.

I smiled.

"You think so," I said.

Kelly looks at me and sighs.

"Are you one hundred percent sure you will go through with this wedding?" Kelly asked me.

"I swear to God, Michael and I will go through with this and be married on April 11 of this year," I answered.

Kelly kissed her teeth and smiled.

"Sweety, we have a wedding to plan," Kelly tells me.

I nod as I quickly make an Instagram post to confirm that Michael and I are engaged on my page so people know he's not playing plus my phone started blowing up too so my post was needed to confirm it was true.

"Damn, you're trending," Kelly said as she scrolls through Twitter and sees people talking about Michael and me.

I raised a brow.

"What are people saying?" I asked her.

"People are voicing their, ahem, disappointment, surrounding the engagement. Women on social media are more heartbroken than congratulatory but there's nothing crazy that you should be concerned about," Kelly answered.

"Well, as long as they're not talking crazy then I'm good," I said.

Promises We're Meant to Keep • MICHAEL B JORDANWhere stories live. Discover now