Cold Doctor Husband (1/1)

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Tae: Jungkook come to clinic(coldly)

JK:no Taehyung please

Tae: Jungkook you are sick and you need check up so please

JK:no please Taehyung

Tae::are you coming by your own or should I use my way and you wouldn't like my way's

JK:please Jungkook no

Tae:fine than if you are stubborn than I'm also stubborn but more than you

Saying that Taehyung picked JK in his arms...and goes to his clinic...which he has at home only. Tae knows why JK is not coming...cause JK is scared of injections... and JK is sick so tae need to check him up...and while carrying JK in his arms toe goes to his home clinic...and made JK sit on chair

Tae: jungkook nothing will happen you just need a small check up(said while putting his gloves and tae was back facing JK)

JK: please Taehyung no(said while getting up from chair and goes to door JK was about to open but someone put his hand and JK knows him)

Tae:are you trying to escape huh!!! no Taehyung I was going to drink water

Tae:see on table there is a glass of water so you can have that

JK:but Taehyung (cutt off by Tae)

Tae: shut up Jungkook (raised a little voice)


Tae:go and sit on chair

JK silently goes and sit on chair while pouting...tae was taking out everything which he needed for check up....after a while toe was done with the check up and said

Tae: Jungkook go and lay down on bed there (said while pointing towards bed which is kept there)

JK (scaredly):wh...why???

Tae:are you going or not (said coldly and raised a little voice)

JK:ok(pout and silently goes to bed)

Tae was preparing a injection as JK needed it...cause JK had a cold and a little fever...when Tae turn to JK...JK became shocked

JK:tae...taehyu... Taehyung what are you doing with that injection

Tae: Jungkook please lay down

JK (shout):NO

Tae: JUNGKOOK (shout which scared JK)

JK:no Taehyung please no injection I will be good boy I wouldn't annoy you or disturb you but please no injection please Taehyung (said while crying cause JK is soo much scared of injections)

Tae: Jungkook you need injection please lay down (said while coming close to JK)

JK:NO(shouted while moving back)

Tae: Jungkook lay down and I promise it wouldn't hurt much


JK was crying soo hard...and tae doesn't like when JK cry...even though tae is cold towards JK...but tae loves him soo much)

Tae(sweetly): kookie please lay down

JK:no kookie wouldn't lay down (said while crying)

Tae: kookie listen please I promise it wouldn't hurt

JK:no it hurts

Tae was standing soo close to JK... that JK didn't noticed when tae hold one of JK's hand tightly

JK:no Taehyung it hurts please no

Tae: nothing will happen you trust me right

JK: please Taehyung noo

Tae rubbed cotton in his right hand....and he injected JK and JK started crying more...cause it was paining a lot

JK (said while crying) you said it wouldn't hurts but it does you lied that it wouldn't hurt Taehyung it's hurting (pout)

Tae was preparing another injection as JK needed two injection and when toe turned to JK again JK started crying hard

JK:no Taehyung please (said while hiccuping)

Tae:you are good boy right kookie

JK:no kookie is bad boy kookie don't want injection

Tae: Jungkook if you take this injection than I will give you ice cream and banana milk cause kookie is good boy and kookie will take injection like a good boy right bunny

JK:you will give kookie banana milk and ice cream

Tae:yess kookie will get but if kookie takes injection

JK:no it hurts taetae

Tae: taetae???

JK:yess taetae you are taetae

Tae:ok I'm taetae now kookie will look in taetae's eyes

JK:why???(said while still crying)

Tae: cause if kookie do as taetae told than kookie will get kiss

JK:kiss???(stop crying and look at tae)

Tae:but you need injection first

JK:it wouldn't hurt right

Tae:no it wouldn't hurt

JK: promise???

Tae:yess promise now look in my eyes


And JK was looking in Tae's eyes...while tae also injected JK when he was looking in Tae's eyes...after injecting tae ask

Tae:does it hurt kookie

JK: little bit but kookie was good boy right???

Tae:yess kookie was good boy and now kookie will get reward for that ice cream and banana milk

JK:kiss(in low voice)

Tae:what??? Kookie what you said I didn't heard

JK:taetae said kiss

And tae understood so he kissed JK on his lips than pulled away...while JK was whole red like tomato and tae chuckled at JK

Tae:is kookie blushing


Tae:I love you kookie

JK:I love you too toetae but don't be cold to kookie ok kookie doesn't like cold taetae

Tae:ok now let's go ok

And they spend there whole day together


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