Little Space(1/1)

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Two boys were sleeping while hugging each other elder one was first to wake up and he is toae..and than tae looked at his side to see jungkook sleeping so peacefully..than he corefully goes to washroom to do his morning routine...while removing JK's hand and put on one of his pillows after tae was done he come out just to see his baby kook crying

Tae:what happened baby why are you crying??

JK:I thought you left me (said in baby voice)

Tae: and why you thought like that huh!!!(said while putting IK on his lap)

JK:I thought you don't love koo anymore

Tae: baby don't ever think like that let's go and get fresh up...we need to go to company right baby koo

JK:yess let's goo

And than they both get fresh up and after eating breakfast they left to company

Little Introduction

CEO of JJK Fashion industry...and CEO's name is Kim Taehyung... Tae was a middle class boy and he is orphan...but he was soo smart...and he was married to Jeon Jungkook...Jungkook was known as cold CEO was JJK Fashion Industry...but he met with an accident in which something hit hard in his head which made him losses his memories... and JK started to behave like a small boy in simple words he is in little space... tae was married to JK cause Mr Jeon doesn't want his son's hard work to go in vain the hard work which make JIK company no. 1 in whole Seoul and tae also agreed cause he fell for JK in first sight when Mr Jeon showed JK's picture tae doesn't care if JK is in little space infect he loves him more than anything...and Mr Jeon is also happy to make Taekook married to each other tae always take JK with him to his company...and Mr Jeon doesn't live with them and now he is on business trip...for his son's dream I wanted to be model earlier...but he become CEO cause Mr Jeon fell little ill... that's why he couldn't complete his dreams so Mr Jeon is making deal with *** for JK to make him model as it was JK's only dream...JK'S staff always take care of JK very well when toe had any meeting

Back to story


Taekook were now JK office doing something or checking some files tae was checking files while I was doing nothing but getting bored

JK: hyungie I'm bored(pout)

Tae:ohh!!!my koo is bored???


Tae: don't worry bub here draw something on this paper ok and till than I will finish my work

JK:ok hyungle

Saying that kook started to draw in paper always obey Tae's every word JK never made tae angry..even tae control himself cause he knows if he shouted at JK in wouldn't be good for JK to doctor said JK need to be happy after checking all files after one hour toe noticed JK wasn't saying anything in this whole hour...which isn't good for JK's health tae goes to JK who was pouting

Tae:bub what happened???why are you soo quite huh!!!

JK: hyungie my head hurts (and JK started to cry)

Tae:let me check you ok

Tae checked JK and found out kook was having fever

Tae:bub you have fever...let's go to hospital for your check up ok

JK:no hospital please (in baby voice and said while being scared)

Tae:bub if you want to be get well soon so we need to go right please don't be stubborn bun

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