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A boy was walking in his university's corridor while walking someone pinned the boy to locker and that boy closed his eyes in fear cause he knows the person who pinned him suddenly he heard a voice

???:open your eyes Jungkook

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes just meet the badboy of his university

JK: Taehyung leave me(ask politely)

Tae:and what is I don't baby(while putting his face more close to Jungkook's face and Jungkook's cheeks and ears started to turn red)

Tae:are you blushing???(ask with smirk while jungkook pushed him away and spoke)

JK: leave me alone for a day Taehyung

Tae:I wish I could (fake pout)but what to do your beauty attract me and my legs automatically came

Introduction About TaeKook—
So Kim Taehyung is badboy of his university he often get into fight and all and most importantly he have a crush on university's nerd and he have friends who always take care of him and they also know about Tae's crush.....meanwhile Jeon Jungkook is the nerd of his university and he doesn't have any friends he isn't a nerd they all call him nerd cause he always study and wear glasses he have a crush on a popular girl of his university and forget to mention Taekook are in same class
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JK:what a joke (rolled his eyes at tae)

Tae: baby don't roll your eyes it makes me to kiss you till you can't breath(said while caressing Jungkook's right cheek)

Now Jungkook's face was more red like red rose while tae just chuckled

Tae:I will take my leave darling(kissed Jungkook's cheeks and left from there to class)

JK:why he always kiss me??why I want to feel his touch soo bad??why I like when you kiss me??oh god!!what is happening with me

Jungkook also left from there to his class

In Class

Professor was teaching the students when suddenly there was a knock now all attention was on the person and it was none other than Kim Taehyung

Professor: Taehyung when are you planning to come in my class on time??

Tae:than when are you planning to leave this university??

Professor just sigh and let Taehyung come in while there was no empty seat tae look around and found a seat empty beside his crush

Tae:heyy Jungkook baby(said while sitting and tae have crush on JK)

JK: can't you sit somewhere else??(looking at the board)

Tae:nahh!! Cause only this seat was available

Jungkook just sigh and pay his all attention to board but Tae being himself started to talk

Tae:what is soo interesting in his lectures??

JK:shut up and concentrate and let me too

Tae: you are no fun baby(pout)

While Jungkook secretly smile but toe doesn't noticed cause he was looking down

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