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I prepared the pancakes with delicious syrup and i served her.

"Not bad....ok...Kendra, you'll do the cleaning in this house, and SAMANTHA will do the cooking!"

"WHAT? SAMANTHA'S NOT A MAID!" Brandon was so angry.

"Yes,since she knows how to cook" the rest of the day was just irritating .she was annoying me,  telling me to massage her leg, scrub her body in the bathroom, make her bed and i could not say no since she was Brandon's friend. I finally went to bed tiredly.

"Am sorry about Linda, she just finds you a bit weird" Brandon explained.

"Its alright" i said going off to sleep.

The next day, i woke up fresh and i heard Linda yelling downstairs.


"I wont be cooking you anything." i told  her.

"WHY?" she asked.

"Am not a maid" i hissed. Brandon left the house without saying goodbye. i took my breakfast to the room. I sat on the chair and called Jennifer.

"Hey Jenn"

"Why haven't we chatted?" she asked.

'Am sorry, Brandon's stupid bestie is here and she is giving me a hard time" I hissed.

"Sorry, can i visit you tomorrow?" She asked.

"No, the witch refused to leave today, so maybe tomorrow, i will get back"

OK Mrs Jonathan"

"SHUT UP!" We laughed together. I stood up to drop my plate in the kitchen when i noticed gum on my skirt.


She was dragging her feet.

"Why the hell did you put this gum here?" i asked her firmly.

"I was only joking and plus, i didn't know you will sit there "

"Never do this again " i got the gum off and i left angrily. Soon, Brandon came home and i went to greet him. I think Linda was preparing something. As he sat on the sofa, we smelt something burning.

"WHAT'S THAT? WHO IS COOKING?' Brandon screamed as we rushed to the kitchen. We saw Linda trying to get the pan off the gas. I pulled her away and threw the burnt food out.

"YOU CAN'T COOK! WHY DID YOU GET THIS  MUCH TROUBLE?" Brandon yelled at Linda and she started crying.

"ITS ALL JUST SO YOU'D LIKE ME!" She left crying. I looked at Brandon he was disturbed.

"Thank God she's gone now" He told me. The rest of the days were so much fun. He took me to beach parties, pool parties, night parties, clubs, cinemas, amusement parks and so many royal balls. He told me his story how his siblings died and he has been hiding his pain. The business was his dad's business and his mom had traveled to Las Vegas for good because of her in-laws who hated her.

I was touched anyway.

One night, Jennifer just showed up.

"Jenn, why didnt you inform me that you were coming?" I was surprised.

"I wanted to surprise you. MY dad is finally here with my valid tickets so i can go study in a new country" Jennifer came in.

"Hi Jennifer" Brandon greeted as he sat beside me.

"So, uhm...Sam, i've restored your job at Prime Meals International"
I was dumbfounded. Then i screamed and hugged him tight.

"Thank you so much! How??" I asked him. Jennifer didn't look too happy.

"The bathroom" She said as i took her there.

It was already late and she couldn't go home. So Kendra arranged the guest room for her. The next day, i went to work in my casual clothes, since i was gonna get my uniform.

Everyone were dumbfounded seeing me.

"So you're back, two star" Riley winked at me.

"Not anymore" Miss Nelly gave me a uniform with five stars! I was so happy i was in Riley's level now. She was fuming, as i worked, customers were so happy i was back.

Work was awesome!

I was humming along with the hummingbirds back home. I wonder why Jennifer didn't come. I got home. Only Kendra was mopping.

"Hey Ken, where's Jennifer and is Brandon back?"

"Uhm....Jennifer locked your room door and Mr Brandon was inside. She told me not to open the door or disturb." She explained.

"WHAT?" Hope its not what am thinking....i ran upstairs and kicked the door open. I was horrified to see Jennifer wearing a very short dress on our bed...with Brandon shirtless.


I fainted on the ground as she got up and helped me. I woke up on the bed, seeing a doctor, Jennifer and Brandon.

"WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME BRANDON! YOU LIED THAT I WOULD NEVER LACK AND YOU'D TREAT ME WELL?!" I was crying, Jennifer was also sobbing uncontrollably.

"I....she drugged me! I...i was not awake." Brandon tried to explain, but i didn't listen to a thing. I stood up and left the house with all my clothes.


Pancakes With A WaitressWhere stories live. Discover now