8. Consume- The Neighbourhood

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World's biggest fuck up award?

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World's biggest fuck up award?

I win first fucking place, Cyrus hasn't responded to my calls or my texts. I think he blocked me actually and I went as far as to send him a bloody email.

I sent him an email!

What the fuck.

We haven't spoken in three days, I'm the mutual classes we have, he pretends I don't exist. If we have an activity we have to do with the person next to us, he does it on his own for the both of us and stays silent.

It's really fucking scary. I mean he barely used to talk back then but he's a lot chattier and he's quiet just to me. That stings on a whole new level.

I haven't even paid any attention to Kayla which isn't fair I know but my head has been so wrapped around how I've so happy that he's been back now I'm basically chasing him away.

God, what am I thinking?

Everything actually, I was overthinking everything.


I went to Nana Rose's place and tried to pick him up from school and he walked right past and walked to school.

I get he's mad but how petty is he gonna be?

Well, it is my fault he's being petty so I can't blame him.

"The game tomorrow boys is important it's the final game before Scouters start coming out to watch your games. Pay attention to how you play and make sure whatever mistake you have you fix it in the next two weeks."
He clapped his hands. "Alright boys, dismissed."

We started walking to the locker room but fate had different plans for me.

"Not you Woods."


I turned around and held my breath as I walked up to the coach.

"What the hell was going on out there?" He seethed.

"Just tired sir." I lied.

"Well better not be tired for the game tomorrow, our top players can't play like shit simply because they are tired."

I gulped. "Yes, Coach."

"Get outta here."

With that, I scurried away with my tail between my legs.

You know the routine by now, shower, dress leave.

Reid was by my car waiting as usual. To say he looked stressed was an understatement.

"Dude. You good?" I asked as I approached my car.

"Fuck bro- we really fucked up. Both of our friends aren't even looking at us, I tried to talk to Sienna today and she said I don't want to speak to you. Like since did she ignore me when we get into an argument??" He asked pulling at his hair.

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