First sight 1

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Avengers pov
Tony walked into the meeting room where everyone was waiting for him "Fury's coming later, he said he's got a surprise" "Fury Surprise, thats frightening" Nat rolled her eyes as she said that, "Better not be a mission, I'm still tired from the last one" Bruce mumbled from the back of the room "but missions are fun" Scott whinned "missions are to save the world not to be fun Scott" Steve countered "whatever Cap" Scott Sassed.

Wanda and Pietro walked into the meeting room late Pietro confused asks "Why's Fury here?" Tony was the first to answer "Shit he's early, he wasn't meant to be here for another hour" "why is he here?" Wanda questioned "because I need to introduce you to an old friend aka the newest avenger" Anita walked into the room shocking everyone "hey" "we don't need any new avengers" Tony spoke sternly "you need her, trust me" Fury argued

Anita looks around the room and locks eyes with someone, a tall, dark and handsome someone, metal armed supersoilder someone it felt like they were staring forever until he spoke "do I know you?" Anita spoke quickly after "No" everyone was kind of suspicious because of that.

Bucky started to remember parts of his past specifically the parts Anita was in "Anita" he spoke "how do you know my name?" Anita questioned back "what can you do Anita?" Nat Interupted "I'm a witch so I do spells and I am really fast" Anita decide she wouldn't tell them the full truth. 

"I'm faster" Pietro Mumbled, Anita hearing it perfectly while repressing a chuckle,  Wanda ignored her brothers comment and asked "is there anything else you can do?" Anita answered "I'm also really strong and quite good at combat" "well nice to meet you Lady Anita, I'm Thor son of Odin" Thor introduced everyone else introduced themselves nicely except Pietro who decided to add sass to his Introduction "well it's nice to meet all of you" Anita threw a dirty look towards Pietro as she said this.

Anita spoke again after an awkward silence "can someone show me where i'm staying please" "oh right, Anita is staying at the tower for the time being," Fury spoke strongly as always while Tony looked like he was going to rage and he spoke with sarcasm "thanks for the heads up Fury, You can have the room next to Wanda's she'll show you where it is." Wanda looked excited "Follow me Anita" Anita spoke up for the last time before leaving with Wanda "Bye Nick, and I'll see the rest of you later" the avengers were all confused as they heard her call Fury, Nick and just wander off but decided to leave it

Anita pov
Wanda was the first to speak of the two "so your a witch" I replied with a simple "Yea" Wanda began to speak again "Same, when did you become a witch?" I was confused by this question "I was born a witch, Weren't you?" Wanda replied "No, I was experimented on" I wanted to know the full story yet she didnt want to upset wanda "oh" she replied not really knowing what else to say luckily they were at her room so Wanda said "Well heres your room, and I'm just down the hall if you need anything" I was happy that she was starting to make a friend "Thanks Wanda" Anita had a huge smile on her face as she went into her room to unpack when she heard a creak she turned and saw someone she never thought she would with confusion I broke the silence "What are you doing here?"


Avengers pov
After Wanda and Anita left Bucky spoke up "I know her" Sam looked at him confused and asked "What do you mean?" Steve decided to speak up "Yea I think I've seen her before" Fury was trying to think of a way to cool down the questions so they wouldn't figure anything out "she travels a lot so I doubt it. Now if you could stay out of Anita's personal life i'll be on my way." And with that Fury left.

Nat in her spy ways wanted to know more so she asked "How do you know her, Buck?" He was still trying to figure that out himself but answered "I used to know her, before the war. But I can't quite remember how" Tony scoffed as he said "that would make her like 100 years old" Bruce bringing in the facts stated "she should be old or dead" Sam countered with "unless shes a super soldier." Nat was shocked that Sam said something smart for once and pressed on "what do you mean?" "She said she was fast and strong, like you guys" Sam said this as he pointed to Steve and Bucky "thats crazy, she would be way buffer if she was a super soilder" Bruce pointed out Nat nodded in agreement as bucky said "well I didn't change much after the serum." Sam thinking he was smart said "Except your arm" Bucky yelled back at him "THAT WASN'T BECAUSE OF THE SERUM, idiot" Sam argued back "HEY, I HEARD THAT AND I AM NOT AN IDIOT" Clint spoke up for the first time this meeting "Ladies chill, maybe she told Wanda something, let's just wait for her"

Not even a second later Wanda walked in asking "wait for who?" Pietro looked at his sister and said "you" "what for?" She questioned "Did Anita tell you anything?" Steve asked sternly "well she said she was born a witch but that's it, why?" Wanda was confused why they were asking when Bucky spoke "I think I know her, from before the war" "Woah, she does not look that old" wanda countered "We think she's a super soldier" Sam spoke "Did you ask Fury about it?" Wand asked slightly confused "He left when we started talking about it and told us to stay out of her personal life" Steve stated

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