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So Peter was supposed to come home bc he got sick but didn't. The school calls Tony right as the rouges get back.

TW: none

Tony's POV.

The rogues are back in the tower. I had smoothed things over with the government and we came to an agreement. But that did mean they had to live in my tower so they could keep an eye on them.

I had worked hard and I knew Peter was against them returning. He was worried they would hurt me again. He didn't tell me that but he didn't have to.

I then remember I forgot to tell Peter they would come today. I hope he won't be too mad when he sees them.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the ding from the elevator. Steve and his gang got out of the elevator. I get scared when I make eye contact with Steve. Flashes of the battle came before me. I quickly try to push the memory's away.

I stand up straight and hide the fact that I'm scared. "Stark." Steve said. He walks towards me, if Peter were here he'd probably freak out and embarrass himself like the fanboy he is. I grin at the thought. "Something funny stark?" Rodgers said. "Noting to be of concern to you, but lets get to business. All of your rooms are still here and if you have any questions jus-" I get cut off by Friday.

"I'm sorry to disturb you sir but you got a call from midtown high." Shit that's Peters school. They never call unless something happened to Peter. "Put it on my phone." I said as I grab my phone and answer the phone "yes?" I ask. "Hello this is midtown high am I speaking with the guardian of Peter Parker?" "Yes this is him." I feel my anxiety spike.

"Sir Peter went home because he had a cold but this was 2 hours ago. I'm here to check if he came home" I began to panic. He would have called me right? "Uhm no he didn't. I'll go look for him right now. Thank you for calling" I said and hang up, with fear in my eyes.

Everybody saw me panicking. Clint was the first to speak, "Tony are you alright?" I just ignore him. "Friday where is Peter? And contact Karen."

"I'm sorry to report sir that Peter has hacked his phone again but I do see Karen was active 30 minutes ago." Natasha chirped in and asked, "who's Peter?" "Please talk to us Tony, we could maybe help." Steve said. He began walking towards me and I began panicking more.

I put my hands to my head. "Friday?" "Yes boss?" "Get them out." "Tony we were just trying to help." Steve said. "Get OUT!" I began to step back. The memories were becoming too much and Peter was missing. God I should go out and try to find him, he had a cold for gods sake. I don't know how bad it is.

"Tony-" Steve got cut off by the elevator bing. Everyone snapped their heads to the elevator. I saw Peter step out the elevator.

Peter's POV.

When I finally get home I step in the elevator. The elevator started moving. I reached the common floor and I stepped out of the elevator to see dad in panic and with the rogues. I run up to dad and stand between him and the rogues.

I could feel mr. Stark relax the moment I was in his vision. But immediately he began to worry again. "Where were you? The school called and said you were sick and coming home?!" I feel a little guilty and say, "I was going home but then I saw somebody getting mugged and I can't just do nothing! So I helped only I didn't notice how much time had passed." Dad looked at me and took a deep breath.

"It's okay Pete but be more careful next time. You are sick for gods sake!" Steve had enough of this. "Tony who is this child? And why is he here? I thought only avengers and pepper could come up here!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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