The Accusation

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"Master, I have finished the miss-" The Black hair lady with purple ends had stopped her sentence in a face of shock she saw her Master laying on the ground with a claw mark on his left cheek. 

"Master!" The lady runs over to the pale man and picks him up and brings him an estate she heals his less serious injury but, she doesn't have an antidote. She calls all Hashiras, the highest ranking demon slayer.


"Master! We finished our missi-" Tanjiro fell to the ground, eyes lidded, then they closed, he passed out. "HMPHM!!!" "Nezuko soon after too, hit the ground and passed out.

After 20 minutes

"Mmmm...".."huh?" Tanjiro woke up eyes lidded...he froze. Nezuko, his demon sister Holden by a Hashira with a blade to her neck blooding dripping, and running down her neck...Fear in her eyes.

"W-what?.... I-I don't understand... whats going...on?...." Tanjiro asked in the tone of fear, worry, sadness, and a hint of anger. "Stop playing dumb!!" The Hashira holding the young demon girl by her neck shouted with anger in his voice. "YOU poisoned Master!!" The same Hashira with the scars all over his body shouted again. "Wait.. What?!" "Don't 'WaiT WhAt?!' Me!" "You know what you did so stop. Playing. DUMB!" "Ara ara~ Sanemi-San, Don't go to harsh, he's just a kid." The Lady who found Master spoke again."You all know what he did!! Stop defending him!" Sanemi shouted.

"I don't think you know the difference of defending someone and going easy on someone. Right now i just tried to go tell you to go easy on him because he is just a kid." "But defending someone is what Tomioka-San did at his first trial, isn't that right Tomioka-San?"

"The Young male didn't respond, turned his head to look at the Kamado siblings, even you didn't see it you could see a glimpse of fear and sadness in his eyes, but he kept a straight face.

"Ara~ ara~ Tomioka-San. Didn't I tell you it's rude to ignore someone when they are speaking to you? Hm?"....Silence was brought upon the noise, pulling it down,  Until someone broke it. "H-how do you if it was me?.. I just got back from the mission Master assigned for Nezuko and me.."

"YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS A DEMON HERE! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY MASTER LET YOU KEEP HER! I SHOULD'VE JUST KILLED HER FROM THE START! Sanemi yelled echoing, crows flying 'n cawing upon the sudden eruption of silence.

Luckily Tanjiro had his hands tied up, what they didn't know is that from the training they gave him from the injuries he had made him more stronger, but he didn't break the ropes yet, he had a plan.


The young girl slightly moved her head to face her older brother with tears in both of their eyes, threatening to fall.

He started to use morse code. He tapped and tapped. All expect one of the Hashiras was confused- Giyuu he used morse code with Sabito from his trauma. He didn't want to talk until Sabito made him feel more comfortable talking.

Tanjiro: .--- ..- ... - / .-- .- .. - / ..-. --- .-. / -- -.-- / ... .. --. -. .- .-.. / .. / .... .- ...- . / .- / .--. .-.. .- -. .-.-.-   (Just wait for my signal I have a plan)

Nezuko who luckily had her box next to her moved her hand, tapping along with him

Nezuko:.- .-.. .-. .. --. .... - .-.-.- / .-- .... .- - ... / - .... . / ... .. --. -. .- .-.. ..--..   (Alright. Whats the signal?)

Tanjiro: ..-. .. .-. .  (Fire)

Giyuu walked up to Tanjiro. Tanjiro wasn't aware of his presence until he grabbed the rope and stood Tanjiro up. Giyuu then whispered so low that the Hashiras couldn't hear and barely could Tanjiro and his lips moved barely making them seem that his mouth was closed.

"I'll help you, but just play along and don't try to mess up, got it?"

Tanjiro nodded his head slightly

"Signal" was all Tanjiro needed


Hehe a cliffhanger also i did this when I woke up and ye. :D Also sorry for procrastinating i just have a lot of school work to get done... Hope you have a great Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night! 

With all love


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