villains night II

541 7 1

cheshire pov

'well well what do we have here it no use trying to break from the ropes they wont break' i say deliberately making the words go on for longer just to annoy her . 

 ' torture them ' one villain shouts causing the rest of them to burst into raucous laughter honestly its like follow the leader. i look at who shouted it and saw none other them the criminal i was having a staring contest with earlier and the three others who where talking to the weird bird idiot but the bird person was gone . now that i look at it they look awfully familiar but i just couldn't place my finger on it i'll get it eventually . 

 'so umm what should we do with her cause i have no clue and no'i say looking at a certain criminal 'we cannot put grass in her hair it is a terrible idea' the criminals murmur quietly 

 'lets throw pie at her 'one shouts causing them to all cheer i look at who ever shouted that and grin ,it falters ever so slightly as i notice its the one that i was staring at honesty i've been seeing her quite a few times in last couple minutes .hey i need to know her name or you know what  I'll just give her a nickname .

i dont know why but i'm going to call her sparky ,yes sparky thats a very good name .I went back to laying on the couch ( picture of couch)

as i relaxed onto the couch ,randomly pulling a dagger from between the pillows my eyes drifted back to sparky who was in some sort of heated argument with the strange other three which just caused her to roll her eyes and lean against the wall he...

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as i relaxed onto the couch ,randomly pulling a dagger from between the pillows my eyes drifted back to sparky who was in some sort of heated argument with the strange other three which just caused her to roll her eyes and lean against the wall her eyes suddenly met mine she just smirked . then a wall crashed down and CaPtaIn MaN walked in the stood onto the debris. 

 'you 'he said pointing at me

'yes me'i say confused

'you insulted my books '

'no i didn't ,i just said the truth theres a huge difference you idiot' suddenly the three so called criminals transformed into the danger-force ,honestly its like i'm living in a movie a really cool spy one except im the villain and have to spend the rest of my life in a rotten jail cell .

------------------------------SKIP THE FIGHT CAUSE IM LAZY sorry----------------------------------

different criminal pov

'hold up wheres cheshire ' someone asked

'i'm here 'she said walking in with a bloody lip 'i tried to catch them ,obviously it didn't work' she laughed bitterly .she collapsed onto the couch i realised this is like a habit for her ,the thing that struck me as unusual is that she had a confident smirk on her face like the ones people have when they have a secret to keep . what is going on in her mind i have no idea and i'm glad i don't know it probably crazy .although i really should stop staring before it gets creepy

--cheshires pov (a few minutes ago)

' danger force let's go we got steven ' CapTaIn MaN shouted .shoutout now free from the tapes managed to shout a sofa across blocking the criminals on one side of the room except me who's hiding under a table which is like the worst place to hide , but when you have an angry hero shouting literal furniture at you ,you sort of forget to find a good hiding spot it just slips your mind you know .after she finished shouting at least 5 chairs and 2 tables she turned and left obviously happy that she messed up the room and broke a window which if she didn't realise costs money to replace honestly.leaving just sparky or volt as she's commonly known looking around for something what could be so important that she looked like this

'volt lets go ' someone shouted from outside she left but quite reluctantly i noticed .me being the person i am followed but as soon as we exited the building i made sure to keep to the shadows so much that even my shadow was covered .but i forgot the two rules for following someone don't be seen or heard thats where i went wrong cause i knocked over a trash lid and im telling you in the day that makes a lot of noise in the night it sounds as loud as the girls in class when the lights go out, in short(like you) its very loud ,but i was well hidden so they didn't see anything what can i say im amazing.

'you guys go i'll check it out' sparky said her eyes darting around the alley

'okay lets go ,this place is creeping me out"and so the rest of danger force and captain man disappeared leaving just sparky there

my longest chapter so far

821 words

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