bank robbery

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'i can't thank you enough danger force for this . this diamond is one of the newest and most precious artefacts this museum holds and we got an anonymous tip that someone might try and steal it so thank you ' the mayor said as he turned and left the hall .

it had a few minutes in silence before they heard a sound causing them all to turn around suddenly only to find you holding the same diamond they were told to protect,

'hello heroes how funny i didn't know you were here . How are you?'' your voice dripping in sarcasm.

'give that back now' mika said threateningly emphasising every word. you just looked at her like she was crazy.

'i'm sorry what ?Like okay we are just ignoring the fact that i had to steal a diamond that was right behind you knowing damn well that i could get , one thrown across the room ,two zapped , which i'm guessing hurts , three levitated as well as in general i might get into a fight which i'm guessing will end in me getting hurt , so no i will not give it back'. you say looking at the members of danger force in turn your eyes lingering on volt for a second more . i swear she looks familiar .

'you know what's the first rule of bank robbery don't stay long , there is a less chance of getting caught so good day .i'm gonna go bye' i say with a smirk on my face ' but before i go please tell me ,what's the score like 11- 0 to me or was it 12? ' i ask while walking away . i guess i should i shouldn't have done that as volt sent a bolt of thunder wizzing past my ear nearly hitting me but in the end it hit the doorknob frying it so if i tried to open it i would burn my hand .

'well that's quite rude sparky .don't you know i could i've been hit' i say with mock hurt .

in the end i had to fight them but i evened the game with a few clever smoke bombs and a whole lot of luck but as i was leaving i noticed a ring on the floor .'hey sparky this yours' you shout as the air cleared .as soon as ahe saw the ring in your hand she rushingly looked at her hands ."so i was right it is yours well to bad its mine now ." i laugh ''Adios  la perra' i add quietly.

sorry it was a bit rushed

the ring

the ring

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