" nighttime „

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[Sunny's POV: 11:04pm]

I was just laying in bed, unable to sleep. Kel was asleep on the other side of the bed on his stomach with Mewo on his back. I got up and went over to the window and sat down. It was storming. According to the weather app it was gonna rain for the next 2 days. Sad, honestly. But at least there was a board-game cupboard. "Sunny what're you doing? Are you okay?" I jumped and realised that it was just Kel. I'm guessing Mewo woke him up because she was now on the end of the bed. "Just can't sleep that's all. I'm fine." I replied with. Kel gestured me to come back to the bed. I got up, walked over and got onto the bed only to be grabbed and cuddled. "What the fuck are you-" Kel covered my mouth and hushed me. I flipped him off and then we both got up because we were bored. I went to the closet and grabbed an Oujia board and stared at Kel while holding it. Kel stared at me terrified. "Let's see if we can talk to Mari with this. Get Aubrey, Basil and Hero." I told Kel and he ran off.

Kel came back with Aubrey, Basil and Hero 5 minutes later. We all sat down in a circle, I set up the board and we all put 1 hand on the Planchette. Mewo was on the bed watching as Mewo heard me mention Mari so she was curious. "Is there a spirit with us tonight?" I asked. We waited around 5 minutes until Aubrey got fed up and said "Hurry up bitch". The planchette then moved over to Yes. "W-What's your name?" Basil then asked in a soft and scared tone until Aubrey grabbed and hugged him. The planchette moved over to the M, then the A, then the R, and then lastly, I. "it spelt-" I was about to say until hero started crying. Kel then hugged Hero and continued playing. "do you forgive me and basil?" I asked Mari. The planchette then went over to Yes. Basil hugged Aubrey and Aubrey blushed just a little bit. We then kept asking a few more questions until Mari spelt something, turning out to be a sentence. It said "it's nearly 12, go to sleep". We all said goodbye and ended it then we all decided to sleep in my and Kel's room. I was cuddled up to Kel on the bed, Hero was on the other side of the bed then Aubrey and Basil were asleep cuddling each-other in a sleeping bag.

Sorry the chapter was short 🥲
Words: 449

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