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God, I managed to get away. I have to report this to the police, i've been to merciful to Yul. This has to end now. Oh it's the last stop and right now i have to go to my mother's house. As much as I hate her i dont really have a choice. She will probably just yell at me and force me to move cities again. I don't think I would it would be of any use. He followed me wherever i went, only if I put him in jail I can continue living. The whole situation is so overwhelming I wish I had never helped this guy. 

Im in front of my mother's apartment right now. I really don't want to do this but I ring the bell. "Sian?" She was not sure.

 "Hi mom.." I replied scared of her next lecture but something happened I wasn't expecting at all. 

"Get the fuck out of here" She yelled pointing at me. 

"What? Mom it's me, Sian?" I am so confused.

 "Shut up, I gave you so many chances but no cause you met the right one didn't you? And here you are again waiting for me to open my arms to you? Yeah, fuck no. I don't wanna see you here ever again."

 What. My mind went blank. 

"Just go somewhere else but here" She added before she shut the door in my face. 

I guess my only hope is my friend, Min. I forgot about her in a state of panic, I really don't want to put her in danger though, she might end up like "him". Where is the nearest police station? God i don't even know but maybe they could let me spend the night instead. I think I left my wallet at home I could buy a new phone with my savings. My own flat, but how could I go there? Yul is probably waiting for me to come get my stuff and he might kidnap me for real this time he even has the keys to my house.

 I guess I should visit my only friend then and hope that I won't bring trouble to another person. She lived quite far away from my mom so I had to try stopping someone on road and hope they will drop me off there. 

After a few tries someone stopped, it was a woman, a pretty one. Similar to Yuri I might even say. "Where are you going?" She asked me politely. Then I gave her an adress that was near my friend's house, i couldn't really trust a stranger enough and tell them where Min lives, she was really kind and fun to talk to. She even opened up to me and talked about her crazy brother but she haven't told me too much details, whatever I guess, i wouln't either. I thanked her nicely and made my way to my friend's house. I knocked on the door. 

"Who's there?" she asked

"Its me, Sian, can you let me in?" I answered quickly

"Okay, wait a sec"

After a minute i heard the door unlocking and saw my only hope.

"Hi Min, I know we haven't talked in a while and I'm sorry for not believing you about Chae Yuri but can i spend the night here? I don't really have anywhere else to go." I said shaking and with tears starting to form in my eyes

"Of course you can stay here, what happened to you though? You look really sick and what about your house?"

"It's a really long story.    .    .    Why is it so hot in here?    .    . My vision is blurrin-"

                                                                             .          .          .          .    

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