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Hi lovelies! I want to give you guys a little context about what is going on in the first few chapters.

The first chapters are going to be slow paced to allow for world building and understanding of character relationships, but will speed up as we progress through the story, so please just bear with me!

This will also be a slow burn (I am estimating around 40 chapters), so there is plenty of Meerasim fights ❤️‍🔥🔥👀 in the beginning, but will continue to develop their feelings as characters as the story progresses on.

The first few chapters are going to be filler chapters, like I said they are going to be slow paced to allow for world building as that is vital to the storyline.

It might not seem like much, but I promise that the story will only get better and better as it progresses, and we understand the relationships (Meerasim🥰) and characters more realistically😄😊!

I also want to put out there that although Meerab's and Murtasim's characters will remain as shown in the drama, due to their age differences, Meerab being older she will surely be the more mature of the two✨️, while Murtasim will be a little rash and hasty expressing his youth🧨.

If you are confused about anything, regarding the characters or the story, please feel free to comment down below and I will answer your questions, and please comment any feedback you guys have I would really appreciate that as well!!!

So without further ado, let's get on with the story!!!!!😀😀😀

As the sun shun light on the dim but lively bedroom, alerting the owner that it was sunrise. Meerab was splayed across her bed, one of her legs stretched off the matteres while the other was tangled with her quilt. Laying on her stomach, she rolled over as her alarm started to ring alerting her that it was Fajr time.

The fair skinned girl rubbed her hazel colored eyes, running her fingers through her long tangled hair, attempting to smooth out the bird's nest that had formed during her slumber.
Meerab yawned noisily, closing her eyes once again promising herself 5 more minutes of her desperately needed sleep.


Meerab abruptly opened her eyes scrambling to turn off her blaring alarm clock before it awakened the whole house. Turning the device off she sighed, and hastily got off the bed before her eyes betrayed her again.

Once finishing her Fajr prayer, Meerab arrived downstairs in the family room to find her father on the couch reading the Sunday's newspaper. Upon her arrival he looked up at her and grinned.

"Someone didn't have a very good morning."

Commeted Mr. Siddiqi noticing his daughter's ruffled state and weariness in her eyes.

"Thank you very much for pointing that out".

Replied his daughter with sarcasm. Her father's amusement only grew as his grin turned so big that it could rival Cheshire Cat himself.

"Well didn't I tell you not to go to campus yesterday." Provoking Meerab further she huffed out a breath.

"I had an important lecture I couldn't miss." Repeating what she she said 12 hours prior.

Her father shook his head at her stubbornness, "You have completed all your finals, and are graduating from university in just two months, any classes you have now don't really matter, beti."

Meerab always had a dream of becoming an successful lawyer, helping people achieve justice was her goal, and in her mind the best way to do so was by gathering as much information and knowledge as she could about her profession. "Every class, lecture, and grade matters Abu, how else will I be able to live my dream", Meerab retored.

"I think it is wonderful that you are so passionate about your career, but please remember to not prioritize your health over it, what good is a degree if you aren't even well enough to use it?"

Knowing that her Abu had a point she let the words of her answer remain in her mouth. It's not that Meerab was forgetting about her well being it was just that she wanted to be perfect in every way in what she wanted to do. Perfection and success were the two things she desired the most, and even if she sometimes had to overwork herself a bit, in her mind it would all pay off in the end, wouldn't it? Sometimes she wasn't even sure, life had a way of doing things that contradicted what people imagined.

Mr. Siddiqi smiled silently knowing that Meerab understood his point. Meerab was an very sensible, logical, and devoted girl, and although she had her own insecurities and sometimes doubted herself, he knew that when his daughter would set her mind too something she would achieve it.

"Ring" "Ring"

Meerab's father phone rang aloud vehemently blaring through the living room. What is the deal with these ring tones clogging up everyone's ears in this house? Meerab thought bitterly.

Meerab leaned on the pillar behind her but abruptly straightened when she overheard the words "Shennawz", "Haveli", and "funeral" as her father was angrily talking on the phone.

Whose funeral was her Abu talking about, and was he talking to her uncle?

Although being a citizen and living in America, Meerab hailed from an powerful and influential family in Pakistan. The feudal landowners of Hyderabad, participating in the decades old tradition of a single man ruling solely over a huge low class rural population.

Meerab's mother hated the way things were run by her family and resented the system she lived in, so when she met her father in Lahore during her college years and married him, she convinced him that it would be best for them and their newborn daughter to live far away so her daughter wouldn't have been expected to live the same grim and miserable way of life that was expected of her to live.

Meerab's mother was a free and wild spirit an untamed lioness in a circus, and her daughter was no different.

Although years had passed since, her mother had died, her father chose to still stay in the USA stating that this is where their family's most happiest memories occurred, and he didn't wish to part from the place that had brought his beloved wife the most contentment she ever had in her life.

Meerab looked up from her standing statute position on the wall as her father cut the call, his eyes were stricken, rimmed red, as if tears could stream down any moment. Meerab had only seen her father like this once, when her mother died.

Her father's voice cracked as he delivered the dreadful news.

"Your Uncle has passed away."

Meerab gasped, grasping the wall next to her, she had talked to her Uncle Shennawz yesterday on facetime, complaining about how it was futile to wait for 2 more months for her to receive her master's degree after she had already completed her finals and impending hours for college, her Uncle only laughed at his niece's eagerness.

Meerab's own tears now threatened to pool out of her own eyes, as her chest felt tight, her heart ached as she struggled to understand the reality before her.

Her uncle, her best friend, and mentor DEAD?

But her sorrowful thoughts were halted, as her father spoke the words that would forever alter the course of her life.

"Pack your bags, we're leaving for Karachi tonight".

💥FOREVER YOURS💥 (Meerab x Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now