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Meerab stood in front of the moist bathroom mirror, her tears mixing with the running bathroom sink's water.

Telling herself it's been too long in the bathroom, she shut down the tap and put her own emotions to rest as well. Grabbing her dupatta from her dresser, she started her Isha prayer in the dimly lit bedroom of the eerily silent second floor, of the Haveli, "Allahu Akbar" Meerab raised her hands up, as she began her salat.


The next morning, Meerab made her way down the grand stairs. Upon her arrival she couldn't help but notice how glum the Haveli looked.

Where there were servants bustling around cackling about the latest village's rumor, there was a dreading silence. Where there was the alluring scent of the dandelions her aunt loved so much, there was only an wiff of ash covering the air. Where the silver of the ornamentation of the Haveli shined so bright it could have practically rivaled the sun itself, the abordaments placed around the Haveli looked so dull as if it were picked from the dustbin.

In other words the Khan Haveli felt, smelled, and looked like death, matching the state of it's once owner.

Her Uncle Shennawz's absence was truly being felt by everyone and everything, but what was even worse was that the apparent successor's presence was nowhere to be found.

Murtasim Khan who should have been giving an shoulder to his grieving family, assessing the situation of the subdued domain, and conducting the last arrangements of the beloved fallen Khan's last farewell, had instead disappeared into thin air, not leaving an single trace or clue of his unknown whereabouts to his distressed household.

So unlike an sovereign, but so alike Murtasim, Meerab thought resentfully.

Meerab turned around to stare at the clock above the fireplace, reading 10:00 am. Breakfast was served at 8:00 am, but knowing the current state of the household no one would botter thinking about eating.

Defying her grumbling stomach, Meerab turned away from the dining room. Making her way into the lounge, sitting down on the disconslated sofa, she was lost in her thoughts, pondering on what was to happen next in the current circumstances they were pulled in. No one seemed ready to really acknowledge the fact of her adored Uncle's death, yesterday after finding out of Murtasim's disappearance, no one said anything else, everyone turned back in misey towards their respective rooms, as if the current state of affairs would settle about themselves.

But Meerab knew that was only wishful thinking, from the sensitivity of the situation someone need to act and bring together the dispersed and grieving house soon, or she was afraid the circumstances would get much worse.

Meerab's trance of thought was broken, with the soft presence of someone sitting down next to her on the sofa.

"It's been quite a few days hasn't it, Api." Maryam said as she closed the distance between the two women, laying her head on Meerab's lap.

"It has been quite". Meerab said an lighthearted smile resting on her lips, obligating with her younger cousin's attempt to rejoice. Weaving her fingers through the younger girl's long, soft, and thick brunette locks, she kissed her forehead affectionately. "I've really missed you, Api." Maryam whispered reflectivity, looking up at her older sister like figure through her glassy eyes. In response, Meerab only pushed away the water drops threatening to come out of her younger companion's chocolate eyes.

"I've missed you too, Maya". Meerab tenderly replied to Maryam's previous heartening statement, with the use of her fond nickname only Meerab was reserved to speak.

In response to her companion's tenderness Maryam snuggled herself further into the older women's warmth.
Recognizing the younger girl's need for comfort, she patted Maryam's head affectionately.

"How are the others doing?" Meerab asked attempting to ease the glum atmosphere, and also gain knowledge about what the household was up to since the line of the recent distressing events.

Maryam sighed, rolling over to face Meerab an somber shadow covering her face, as she replied "Maa and Haya have closed themselves in their rooms, Uncle Anwar and Aunt Nadia only come out to check if everything is ruining smoothly, and Murtasim Bhai well you know about him". Finished Maryam relying the current state of the Khan family. Meerab signed this will not do.

Yes, she acknowledged that an catastrophe had befallen onto the Khans, but shutting themselves out from the outside world was not going to help themselves, or the community dependent on them.

The previous Khan was loved, honored, and adored by his people, and his death was an shock to all, but she also knew that if her Uncle was alive now he would have been disappointed with the contemporary situation.

"What about Uncle Shennawz's funeral, have the arrangements been made?" Maryam gasped as if Meerab had just uttered something inferior. Meerab frowned at her shock.

No, no arrangements were made then.

"Everything happened so suddenly, Baba's death, Bhai's dissparence, I don't think anyone thought about it". Meerab's hand that was Weaving through Maryam's dark waves stilled.
"Where is the body, then?" Meerab asked attempting to ease the younger girl's building nervousness, but hardening her voice as well as her own nerves heightened. "If no one has moved it, than the hospital I believe, we all thought that when Bhai came back we would be able -"

"To arrange the funeral", Meerab cut off Maryam's explanation.

"He's not here, Maya". Meerab attempted to show Maryam the sensitivity of the situation.

"Yes, but once he's here then -"

"Then what?" Meerab cut off Maryam for the second time. "Uncle Shennawz's body has been cold for 3 days, and your saying no one thought to make any proper arrangements for his last departure, until Murtasim returns?" Meerab repeated, Maryam's recitation of the events that occurred.

Meerab realized her mistake of being too harsh towards the younger girl, as Maryam clutched Meerab's shoulders burying her head into her chest, tears pouting through her eyes, as Meerab felt wet stains on her dress. Attempting to soothe her anxious and distressed companion, Meerab wrapped her arm around Maryam's back pulling her into an loving hug.

"I'm sorry if that was too harsh, I'm just worried about the current state of the family." Meerab apologized to the shaken girl.

"It's not your fault, Api, you have an point, Baba deserves an proper funeral, and we shouldn't delay it because of Bhai's unknown whereabouts". Maryam raised her head giving, Meerab an smile, telling her that she knew she was right.

Maryam got up from her snuggled position, standing in front of her older companion.

"But what can we possibly do, this is tradition". Maryam said sighing and dejectly wiping the last of the fallen tears from her eyelids. Giving Meerab one last smile, she turned around making her way across the lounge towards the corridor.

Reaching the exit of the lounge the young brunette haired girl, turned around smiling "But with you here Api, everything is going to be better".

That brought a smile onto Meerab's face as she stood up, walking across the room meeting Maryam half way in the middle of the lounge.

"Don't worry, regardless if Murtasim is here or not, Uncle Shennawz will get a proper farewell". Meerab replied easing the concerned girl's worries.

Since Murtasim had decided to wallow in his own grief and self pity, leaving behind his responsibilities and family, then Meerab would take control and ensure the nesscery arrangements be made, and duties be carried out.

Her line of thinking was interrupted by a rough and stony voice.

"Oh, So your going to make the decisions here now?"

Meerab turned around to be met face to face with the missing sucessor.

Murtasim Khan looked and smelled like death, his fiery gaze pierced into Meerab, as if he could murder her with his eyes alone.

Perhaps he could.

But that did nothing to stop Meerab from matching his stare with an scorching one of her own.

She opened her mouth, as she responded to his pungent remark.

💥FOREVER YOURS💥 (Meerab x Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now