Look Who It Is

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Erica POV:

A whole year without Ben... Torture. In the first couple months of him being gone or well, not alive, I had been in incredible denial I would spend hours upon hours looking for signs of Ben. His funeral was horrible too, it was the first time all my friends had ever seen me cry. Ever. I was currently in "Anger" the second stage of grief, well it wasn't actually the second stage for me, you see I have weird emotions and my five stages of greif are very random.

I was sitting on my bed in silence lost in my thoughts until they got rudely interrupted by a shy nervous knock. I froze and crept over to my peep hole, although something was wrong... Whoever was at my door was obviously quite tall as I could only see their neck, I slid a can of pepper spray out my belt and shook it. They knocked once more and I heard a sigh from outside, they were... Disappointed? Why would someone knock on my door twice or even once? I slid every lock I had free and then opened the door I pointed the pepper spray can in the face of the person at my door.

"Don't move!" I shouted.

I looked up at the person at my door and gasped, I dropped the pepper spray can onto the floor and balled up my fists, I punched them square in the face.

"What was that for!" They yelped.

The person I had punched was Ben Ripley, the boy who I lov- like and haven't seen for a year. I grabbed him by the arm, my brain was going nuts, I pulled him into my room, locked the door and shoved him onto the floor.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" I shouted at him through tears.

"Erica I'm so sor-"

I punched him in the chest just as he got up and he crumpled, he collapsed and screamed. Something was wrong but I didn't care.

"Where have you been... Answer me!" I shouted again.

"Erica-listen to me. Lift up my shirt." He groaned.


"Lift my shirt up. Lift it."

I did as instructed and lifted it up and it revealed bruises and cuts all over his body, tons of bandages and plasters too.

"What happened?" I said under my breath.

"Torture happened." He laughed sadly.

I hugged him and caught him by surprise, it lasted 15 seconds before we let go of each other.

"I thought you were dead." I stuttered.

"Well I survived." Ben said proudly trying to change the mood.

"How did you survive the explosion?" I asked him.

"You wanna know?"

"Yes please."

"Well when it went off a big piece of rubble fell on me and it basically protected me for the 6 hours I laid there."

"How did no one see you?" I asked.

"Oh someone saw me and they dragged my body into a car and then I got chucked into this weird prison where they would torture me and question me."

"An organisation kidnapped you?"


We sat there in silence he was happy while I was just shocked and upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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