its okay (Changlix) ^^

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3rd person pov:

Straykids were live on a app called 'vlive' talking and laughing around with their fans as they always do. some were reading the comments some others being all touchy or just making jokes and being dramatic. though one of the people reading the comments was changbin.

Why does changbin look like that?

Ewuh get changpig out of the live!!

Changdozen looks so ugly !!

Ew what is this pig doing in the live?

창빈이 너무 뚱뚱해!


As changbins eyes scanned over the comments he can feel the tears build up in his eyes slowly smiling before excusing himself to use the restroom.


He locked himself in the bathroom before completely breaking down, sobbing and looking at himself hating the way his body looked and how he looked in general.

"Why me! Why.....just why!" He whisper yelled at the mirror in front of him slightly lifting up his shirt feeling disgusted at himself because the comments clouded his thoughts and slowly brought him too think he was fat or over weight.

*knock knock knock*

"Hey binnie, it's lix, are you okay?" Felix asked his voice slightly shaking.

"Yeah I'm okay! I just need too wash my face because STAY told me there was some dirt on my cheek so I'll be right out!" He yelled slightly, he was always able too fool the other members with a enthusiastic voice and a happy smile spread across his face, though, It seemed like felix always caught on. The synthetic gazes he gave him, or whenever he would smile at him when he caught on about changbin being insecure or anxious.

"Binnie, I read the comments. Let me in please?" He asked lightly jiggling the door nob that he locked whenever he came into the restroom.

"Yeah okay give me a second to unlock it." Changbin sighed as he stopped crying and stood up to unlock the door for his boyfriend.

As soon as felix walked in the bathroom he tackled changbin and hugged him slightly chuckling at the gasp changbin let out.

"Bin bin, you know youre not fat right? You know how much everyone loves you and cares for you right? Hun, you aren't fat. You have really big muscles and you are very strong but you also are very kind and soft and caring for everyone around you including stays. You are not big what so ever! The only big thing about you is your dic-" before he could finish his sentence changbin lightly hit him, looking at him like he just murdered and ate his sister.

"I know lix, its just its all over Instagram, tiktok, Twitter and YouTube of people calling me big and I keep trying too tell myself im not over weight but everyone saying these things about me is making me super insecure and feel like I'm some obese person that can barely even walk because that's how some people make it sound." He whispered slightly pouting before nuzzling his face in Felix's neck and hugging him tightly.

"It's okay." Felix said slightly running his hands through his lovers hair loving the way the blonde curly locs felt in his small hands as he layed his head against the door and slowly drifted off with his lover right by his side.



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