i love you.. (minsung) ^^

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Jisungs pov

As i scroll on Twitter i see posts of changbin and felix with the title *changlix! The most beautiful couple in straykids!* I sigh, knowing that hyunjin is in love with felix but so is changbin and that poor boy is in love with changbin but doesn't want to hurt hyunjin.

*knock knock*

"COME IN!!" I yell slightly getting scared of myself because I didn't mean to yell.

But it was just felix, with tears in his eyes.

"Hey lixxie....what's wrong sunshine?" I ask patting a spot right next to me as he sits down he completely breaks down.

"C-changbin t-thinks *hiccup* I'm i-in love with hy-hyunjin! S-so he keeps a-avoiding me!" He sobs wrapping his arms around my waist hugging me tightly.

"Hey, it's okay, just tell him how you feel. He likes you and you like him right? Easy peasy!" I said smiling slightly.

"N-no! I don't wanna break hyunjinnies heart!" He sobbed.

"But you're breaking changbins, I see the way he laughs around you and how he stares at you with heart eyes. Hyunjin can move on, seungmin has a crush on him anyway! So before you break both their hearts you should confess to him before he moves on!" I said slightly pushing him off of me giggling when he pouted.

"Then when will you tell minho hyung you love him?" He asks. I just stare at him, I can feel the tears start to build up in my eyes but I push them down.

"Felix, He's STRAIGHT, he's made that clear by the confession i made Last week. He likes girls not fags like me..." I whisper hugging my knees to my chest. a single tear falling down my cheek. All minho does is lead me on, i thought that he loved me for years but when i finally confessed he laughed in my face and said "nice joke jisungie!" And went on about how hot this girl on Instagram was and if there was no dating policies in the company he would definitely go out of his way to date that girl.

"Awh hannie!" He said grabbing me and hugging me tightly patting my head before saying that he has lyrics to sing too and he'd be back later.

"Hannie~" minho said walking in the room before rambling about the girl from Instagram.

"Stop." "What?" "I SAID FUCKING STOP!" I yell slightly regretting my words as I see the sadness rise in his beautiful almond eyes.

"Are you okay han?" He asked. He's never just called me han. It was either hannie jisung ji or jisungie.

"I'm fine, I just have a headache." I say before rubbing my temples.

"Do you want me to get you some painkillers? A cold rag? A drink?" He asked.

"I want you to leave." I said.

"What? Wait why? Why ha-" He said before I cut him off.

"I'm tired of you talking about random girls right in front of me! I LITERALLY CONFESSED. MY. LOVE. L-O-V-E TO YOU LAST WEEK, AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID? FUCKING LAUGH, YOU LAUGHED AND THEN STARTED TALKING ABOUT A GIRL THAT I BET YOUD LOVEEE TO GET IN HER PANTS, YOU LEFT ME FUCKING HEART BROKEN....heart broken......ive loved you for so damn long........" I sobbed before sitting back down and covering my face.

"Hannie..." He whispered before coming over to me and hesitantly sitting down on my bed.

"I didn't know you actually felt that way.. I didn't mean too break your heart baby.." He said before reaching for my arm but I pulled away.

"Dont fucking touch me..." I whisper but he trys to grab my hands anyway. I push him but then he pins my hands down and kisses me. Our lips fit like two puzzle pieces, His lips were so soft and I could taste the mint chocolate chip chapstick he used, it was soft and slow but then he pulled away and I went after his lips like a lost puppy, slightly pouting when he pushed my lips away.

"Hannie....I've loved you ever since you held my hand in that survival show but I pushed it off because you'd always say 'were just friends!' When the other members teased us so I thought you didn't love me back so I attempted to push those feelings I had for you way down but they just kept springing back up everytime you laughed, smiled, touched me, hugged me, anytime you did anything. I'm so insanely in love with you it's crazy.. i love you baby."

"I-i love you too!" I sobbed before grabbing his shirt and smashing my lips against his.


LOOK WHERE WE ARE! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! Anyway some drama for ya! But I rarely do sad endings because I can't stand them! So heres a happy ending!TT

Give me requests....I beg of you! I have no thoughts TT help me 🚑

I beg of you! I have no thoughts TT help me 🚑

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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