sweet like honey (changlix) ^^

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Felix's pov:

I woke up too soft kisses being placed onto my cheeks and nose slightly giggling at the action, my boyfriend always does this when in little space and i love it, i can't describe how much i love when he does that it's so adorable and i can't help but stare at him with heart eyes.

"Dada wake?" He said whispering slightly moving off my chest but i kept his hips in place

"No hunnybun, daddy's awake. What do you need, attention? Cuddles? Someone to play with? I can call sungie and Minnie right now." I said going to reach for my phone when he grabbed my hand.

" I wan' kisshes!" He said giggling and i swear i almost fainted.

"Okay sweets, daddy can do that for you!" I said softly before placing small kisses to his cheeks then his nose then his forehead then his chin and then i softly kissed him on the lips Making him squirm and get up giggling while running away.

"I'm gonna get you!" I laugh standing up out of bed before running out into the living room where he was behind the couch attempting to hide but i saw the little pink bunny ears of his onezie.

"Hmmm where is my binnie?" I ask looking anywhere but the couch.

"Raaahh!!" He jumps out putting his hands up and i pretend to get scared.

"Oh my goodness! You scared me half to death binnie!" I said slightly pouting.

"Nuuuu! Dada nau pout!" He says running and hugging my waist.

"Hmm maybe I'll stop when you give me a kiss!" I said slightly puffing out my cheek.

"Nu!" He said running away and giggling  like it was the only thing he knew how to do

"Hey! That's not very nice binnie!" I said running towards him and tackling him on the couch as i started to tickle him.

"Heheheh! No! Dada! Sop iteh! Hahaha! Heh! Dat tickles!" He laughed loudly trying to get away before he kicked me in the ribs which made we fly off the couch coughing slightly, changbin slowly slipping out of little space as he runs towards me apologizing thousands of times.

"Dada, I'm so so so so sorry! I didn't mwean to! Don't be mad at me...pwease! I'm sorry!" He apologized.

"Hey, baby, it was a accident okay? You don't have to apologize because you didn't mean to right?" I asked and he nodded quickly and i smiled.

"Are you hungry?" I asked and he slightly nodded.

"Okay! Let me make some breakfast!"

______________TIME SKIP!____________

"Mmh! Daddy! These pancakes are sweet like honey!" He giggled before taking his fork and licking the syrup off of it.

"I'm glad you like it hun." I said slightly giggling.

"Dada I'm tired!" He said rubbing his eyes slightly.

"Didn't you just wake up before me though?" I asked slightly tilting my head.

"Nu, me sungie and channie hyung were  up all nwight doing songs! And when we soped i cwame home awnd slipped dats when i woke you up." He softly said before rubbing his eyes again.

"Okay love, do you want me to cuddle you as you fall asleep?" I softly asked running my hands through his hair.

"Yesh pwease!" He said standing up and running to the bedroom.

"God, I love him." I said before running towards the bedroom.


We love little binnie and we support little binnie.

We love little binnie and we support little binnie

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I hope you have a nice day ^^


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