"You thought I wasn't gone catch you ?" He said as he grabbed me by my hair pulling me out the car and back into the house
He threw me onto the floor and I hit my head on the ground and I held it
"Tried to be nice to yo ungrateful ass!" He said as he grabbed my neck and my eyes watered
"You dumb ass bitch." He said as his eyes changed to black and I grabbed his hands as his grip tighten around my neck and I tried to pull it away from my neck
I felt the air slipping
"You just make it harder for yourself" he said and I blacked out
Juju pov
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She passed out and I checked her pulse she was still breathing and I picked her up and carried her to my room, I laid her in my bed and sat at the end putting my head in my hands
Ian meaning ta hurt ha ass but she fucking hard headed
I laid back in the bed and just strolled on my ig
The next morning ..
I woke up and looked down cause I felt some weight on me and she was laying on my chest with one of her legs over me and her hand on my chest
I slid her off me then got outta the bed stretching then I looked back at her cause she was moving around
I bend down on the bed and touched her leg shaking her some
"Aye ma" I said
"Get up" I said and she slowly opened her eyes
She sat up rubbing her eyes and I watched her movements
She so pretty
"My sister on da way she gon take you to da mall" I said and she got out the bed and stretched
"You heard me" I said and she nodded
"She what's yo name." I said
"Arabian" she said quietly
"Mmm" I hmmed in response "touch brushes in da second draw in dere" I said and she nodded walking to the bathroom and closing the door behind her
I went into the other bathroom in my room and I took a quick 30 minute shower then got out brushed my teeth then put on my boxers then went back in my room , put on a black tee, grey Nike sweats with ma white air forces and my grey Nike tech
I walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door and she cracked it revealing her in a towel with her wet hair going down her back