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Arabian pov

I woke up with a terrible headache and I tried to reach for my head but I couldn't. As I slowly opened my eyes I looked down at my hands and they were tied up and my feet were too and I looked at the driver as my eyes started watering

I never even seen this man before

"Why the fuck am I here" I yelling

"Let me go I don't even fucking know you." I said as the tears started coming

But he ain't say anything . Just continue looking forward

I just closed my eyes as I started crying because now I'm stuck. I have no idea where I am or the people I'm with and these mfs kidnapped me

After what felt like hours we arrived to this big ass house and not like normal size big like this shit was huge

He drove up the long driveway and parked the car and got out and I just looked down at my lap . Then at least 2 minutes later the door opened and the man cut the ties from around my arms and my feet and they left marks, tight marks on my arms. the man grabbed me out the car roughly making me wince

"Okay just rip my fucking arm off." I said mugging him and he held me infront of him pushing me towards the house and when I walked in the house just got bigger he pushed me towards the couch that was in this big ass open space then he roughly pushed me down and I mugged him

"You pissing me off more ." I said and he walked towards me and slapped me making my cheek sting and my eyes started watering

"Fuck you doing!" Somebody said from somewhere. His voice boomed through the house

"Sorry sir she was ta- "ion give a fuck! You don't fucking touch her." He said finally walking toward us and he punched the dude in the face

Then started just punching him everywhere then I finally noticed the dude. It was the dude from the club that I had danced for .

While he was hitting the dude I looked and his ass left the front door open. I slowly got off the couch and ran for the door but when I got there this big ass man was coming thru the door

"Where you going." He said making the dude from the club look up at me and the dude that he was beating up

I looked at all them and took off running in the big ass house and I heard feet behind me and I looked and the dude from the club was following

"Cmere you making it worse for yourself." He said as we ran into the kitchen and he almost caught me but I ran out the kitchen the other way and found some stairs so I ran up there and ran down like 3 long hall ways and I still wasn't losing him

I ran into this room and tried to close the door behind me but he busted right in the room making the door hit me and I fell back as i held my head

"See you doing dumb shit." He said as he walked towards me and I started moving back some as I still held my head since it was pouring blood

He grabbed my hair pulling me up

"Why you fucking wimme." He said as he slapped me making me fall back down and I held my cheek

He hit me harder than the other dude . The room was spinning

"if you get any blood on da floor imma beat the fuck outta you I swear." He said as he grabbed my arm pulling me off the ground and he pulled me all the to another room then he closed the door shutting me in

The room was big as shit. It had a California king size bed with black covers and two couches , a big tv, the window was big as fuck and there was a balcony.

Connected to the room it was a big bathroom and the colors was also dark

I got up and walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and looked at my glossy eyes

Then the blood coming from the big cut in my face and the hand prints on my face

I ran some water and grabbed a rag from one of the cabinets and wet it cleaning my face up

I took my hair out the messed up ball it was in and let it hang

I turned the water off and just held my head for a minute the room was still spinning

"Hea" somebody said and I looked and the dude from the club handed me some clothes and I took it from him

"Yo head okay" he said and I nodded and he came into the bathroom

He turned me around so I was facing him

"Ian wanna hurt you." He said

"I just need you ta listen and let shit run smooth." He said moving my hair out my face and pulling it back

"You understand?" He said as he took the hair tie off my wrist and pulled my hair up and I nodded

"Ight. Goodnight" he said as he left out.

I undressed and took my hair back down and got in the shower I was in there for a hour , I washed myself my hair and did everything else then I got out and put on the white tee he gave me with the boxers and some basketball shorts.

I pulled my hair back into a ball then went into the room

I went and checked the door and it was unlocked so I left out I went downstairs , I couldn't really see where I was going though the whole house was dark

I seen a light in the kitchen area so i went in there and I looked in the fridge. Ian shit here. Like they barely got food this BIG ASS HOUSE AND NOTHING TO E-

"What you doing outcho room." I heard from behind me and I turned around jumping a little

"n- nothing" I said as I seen the dude from the club I need to find out his name.

"There ain't shit in here ta eat." He said closing the fridge back

He had on some night pants and I could see his boxers at the top since his pants were all the way up and he didn't have on a shirt which showed his muscles and everything

"You hungry?" He said and I shook my head no

"If yeen hungry why you in dea" he said walking towards me

"i- I I'm sorry" I said and he grabbed my hand

"Yeen gotta apologize for something like dat. Is you hungry ?" He said and I nodded

"Den let's go" he said walking out and I followed behind him

I gotta plan.

Hopefully it go the right way

"Get them keys for me." He said and I grabbed them and we walked to one of the cars in the yard and we got in

"Oh hol up imma be back finna get my wallet." He said and I nodded I watched him jog back into the house and I got out the car and ran I ran as far away from the house as I could

I made it to the entrance and I heard him yell

"FUCK." He said and I heard the car start and I kept running

Run bian just go.

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