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Tyreik pov

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Tyreik pov

"Did you hear anything I just fucking said?!" Nicole said mushing my head and I looked at her as I grabbed her hand

"Get the fuck out my face yo." I said pushing her back and she smacked her teeth

I couldn't get Arabian outta my head.

Ian even gon lie I been obsessed with her fa a little while, I been knew where she worked , what she drove, I went to the club just to see ha den when ha lame ass boss ain't pay me it was my shot to take ha so Ian pass it up

Nicole was just going on and on and my face and I seen Arabian come downstairs and she glanced at me then looked at Nicole and Nicole turned and looked

"Oh this yo new bitch?" She said walking to Arabian and Arabian just looked unamused

"Get the fuck outta ha face!" I said cause now she was pissing me off

"Oh now you wanna listen to me cause im fucking with yo new bitch" she said in Arabian face

"Can she fight tho?" She said pushing Arabian back some and Arabian started smiling

"Huh?!" She said yelling in Arabian face and something went off cause she started beating Nicole in her face and she ain't stop either. Nicole was trynna pull her hair but she couldn't even get to it

I just smirked

"Aye yo chill! Tyreik why yeen break them up!" Red said pulling Nicole and Arabian apart and Nicole face was leaking and swollen as fuck and Arabian just pushed red off her and left out

"Check on yo bitch" red said to me

"ight." I said and I followed behind Arabian

"Nigga I wasn't talking bout ha !" He yelled but I continued following Arabian

Ion know where she THOUGHT she was going but she ain't going nowhere I grabbed her arm and she pulled away from me

"Arabian stop fa you piss me off." I said and she mugged me as I grabbed her again

"Where is you going." I said

"Just leave me the fuck alone. My boss ain't got shit to do with me I barely be at that fucking club go kill him or some shit but I'm leaving. Fuck you and fuck that bitch in there. Fuck everybody in that house!" She yelled in my face as I tightened my jaw

"Go check on yo bitch dude." She said "weird ass nigga" she mumbled as she tried to walk away again

She turning me on

"Can you get off me dude ?" She said mugging me and I grabbed her neck and she looked up at me with a mad expression

"Ion gave a fuck about dat money I just wanted you yeen going no where." I said and she rolled her eyes as she turned her head then I made her look back at me and I pulled her into a kiss

But she wouldn't kiss me back so I grabbed her ass which made her open her mouth and I slid my tongue in and she stopped fighting against me and just kissed back and she placed her hands on the sides of my face then I pulled away

"Get in da house." I said and she crossed her arms looking down

"Go" I said and she looked at me then the driveway and started walking back to the house and I followed behind

When we got to the house she was going upstairs

"Go get dressed" I said and she looked at me then continued walking upstairs then I went back to the kitchen and Nicole blood was all over the floor

"Nicole yo ass Betta clean this shit up ! Then getcho ass out ma house." I said as I walked into the living room

"But we to- "we ain't shit. Ion want yo ass." I said mugging her and she started crying

"You know you wrong" neisha said and I just looked at her

"Clean my shit Nicole and get the fuck out after." I said and went upstairs

I went to Arabian room and I seen her doing her edges , she was already dressed and everything

She looked at the door "what." She said with a attitude

"Lose da attitude, ion play da shit." I said walking towards her and she just eyed me

"How much you spent today" i said

"I don't know look at your stuff." She said standing up in the body mirror

"You getting a lot of mouth." I said watching her closely

"Ok." She said and I stood up off the bed and walked behind her and she looked at me in the mirror

I grabbed her neck making her look up at me and I kissed her and she kissed me back

"Dis yo last night in hea" I said

"Where I'm going" she said

"You ready ta go home ?" I said and she turned around and looked at me then the ground

"I don't know" she said

"If you want you can but I want chu here . Wimme." I said and she looked at me and shook her head

"I don't know why." She said looking back in the mirror

"Cause I do." I said shrugging as i put my head in the crook of her neck and she moved her head to the side as I was kissing her neck living hickies

"Everything you do make me horny" I said to her and I seen she smiled in the mirror

"Go with Nicole maybe she can help you with that horniess" she said moving away from me and I smacked my teeth

"Come on so we can go out bruh" I said leaving out the room mad

This kinda short... buttt

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