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🌼Year: 1989🌼

I was watching tv while eating some chips as dad was doing something till I heard car pulling up to the drive way. "Who in the heck pulled up to my dad's house?" I though to myself as I grab my dad's gun, walked towards the door, open it while pointing the gun at someone.

"Whoa there, Kat." John put his hand up as he looked at me and I put the gun down.

"Dad, the Winchester are here!" I put the gun back and walk back to the couch. "Are you two coming in?" I glanced at Dean and Sam.

"Scooby Doo is on. Heck yeah." Dean walked in, walked towards while Sam follows him .

Dad went to John as they went to talk outside and I share my chips with Dean and Sam because it was a big bag for all three us to share.

Dean glance at me then back at the Tv as I chuckles before I grab my soda which cause Sam to smiled.

"Why you two smiling and laughing?" Dean looked at Sam and I like he wanted to know what's going on.

"I notice you are nervous to sit next to me. Why is that?" I glanced at him and watching him blushes which Sam start laughing.

Dean hit Sam arm. "Shut up." He got up and went upstairs.

Sam rub his arms as he glance at me. "He does have a crush on." He put his hand into the bag of chips.

I was caught in a surprise by this because I didn't understand he likes me. "Oh."


Dad was making dinner for us while the three of us was outside playing. I was in one of the old cars as Sam and I was pretending that we in a car chase.

"Can I drive?" Dean came over as he had his hands in his pocket.

I glance at Sam then Dean as I slide over so he can get in and Dean start to climb up. Sam glance at Dean then shake his head as he kept his mouth shut.

"What?" Dean glance at Sam as he has this annoyed facial expression towards Sam.

"It's okay to have a crush on someone." Sam looking out of the window as I didn't know that this would cause argument.

Dean chuckles by what Sam said. "A crush? Dad wouldn't like that." He glanced away from Sam.

"How you know?" Sam glance at Dean and I was sitting in the middle of them.

"I'm going to fall in love with someone that I know that will end up like..." Dean pause on what he was about to say. He let out a sigh. "Nevermind." He got out of the car and walked off.

I glance towards Sam as I know it's scary to fall in love when you are scary to get hurt. "How about we wash up for dinner."


Sam and I was in the bathroom as we washing our hands till out of nowhere I start to feel a headache as I step back and groans in pain.

Sam glances at me with worry. "Kat? You okay?" He went to me while I was getting images of someone getting hurt. "Kat?! Kat! I'm getting your dad." Sam ran out of the bathroom as I fell to my knees.

John in the barn with people with scary teeth and he was tide up and it seems he was in trouble.

"Kat?!" Dad was kneeling in front of me as I felt the headache go away and he cup my face which we made eye contact.

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