Chapter 7

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🌼3rd person 🌼

It has been weeks since they broke the bond between Katherine and Lucifer but Sam noticed that Katherine isn't okay mentally but also noticed that Dean has been acting different lately. As Dean and Sam was in the main room of the bunker as they were on their laptop.

Sam looked over at Dean. "I'm worry about Kat."

Dean glance over and he was worried about Katherine but he been keeping a secret from Sam and Katherine. "Yeah me too." He went back looking at his laptop.

"You been acting different lately."

Dean glance at Sam and gave him a confuse facial expression. "What you mean?"

Sam scoff at him and shakes his head at him. "You been going out late then coming back very late."

Dean knew that he had to change the subject till they both could hear Katherine music through the hallway.

In Katherine's room, as she was feeling more anger than the pain. "There was a time when I was young and innocent. That was before I let everybody, get in my head. Before the trauma, all the lies and all the pain, before I hurt so badly, I had to change my name."

While Dean and Sam didn't know that Katherine can sing and rap but they had no idea how badly Katherine was hurting.

Katherine ran her fingers through her hair, walking around in her room."Before manipulations, cracked foundations, moments that would test my patience. Prayers to God to take it all away!"
Her emotions was coming out so did the tears. "Before I felt all of the self blame eat at me,before I felt the devil crushing me, and nobody could hear me scream! Before I asked God, Why me?" She looked at the ceiling as tears came down her face. " I′ve been loyal, I've been patient, I′ve said, "Hallowed by thy name." She grabbed the lamp and threw it across the room. "I didn't ask to be a pawn in this wicked little game. There was a time when I had no doubt in mind, thought that I was chosen, wouldn't lose hope in you. Then I got older rocks turned into boulders, world fell on my, shoulders." She took a deep. "The thought of death became kinda comforting." She closes her eyes and plans to turn off her humanity.  "I wondered when death was going to come for me." She opened her eyes as her humanity was off again.

Dean and Sam didn't hear Katherine's music playing anymore which this made Dean get up and went to check it out.

I wasn't going to plan to turn my humanity back on as I was going to hunt Victor and kill him. As I knew that Sam and Dean were going to try to get it turn back on.

Dean knock on the door. "Kat, you okay?"


I put on a act, walked over and open the door. "I'm fine." I let out sigh and putting on act like I'm keeping my feelings inside and not want to open up about it.

"I don't know what you are going through but I just want you to know that Sam and I are here for you." Dean tries to understand and wants to be there for her but he has Klaus blood in a bottle hidden in his room.

I walked past him, heading to the kitchen where Cas appears and he didn't look too happy with me. "It been so long, Cas." I open the fridge to get a blood bag.

Cas walked towards me. "Turn it back on." He looked at me with upset facial expression.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." I took a sip while looking at him then felt Cas pin me against the wall.

"Cas, what the hell man?!" Dean came over as he wasn't happy on what he just saw.

"I don't know why he's acting like this." I preneted that I'm upset which Dean bought it which Cas didn't like this.

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