Chapter 2: The Sprout

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June 11th (6:35 am)
Morning! Last night was pretty ruff. My parents got into a fight and my brother and I were crying in my bed room. How my parents fight is they yell and scream at each other. I was going down stairs into the kitchen to get a water. And I find my mother laying on the couch in tears. Like I said before I don't talk to
My parents much. But I felt like I needed to calm my mother. "Mommy?" "Yes honey, it's nice to hear your voice how are you?" "I'm fine but how are you?" That's all I could say to my mom "I'm fine". Well you know what, I'm not fine. I am horrible I and really really bad. I'm always caring about other people but, for once I'm gonna care about myself. Like sucks I suck. I am horrible no one will ever like me. I have never had a friend, I guess I'm a really bad person. So listen today I'm gonna try to raise my hand in class if I don't understand something. Let's see what the pops think/say. My prediction is that there gonna laugh at me and talk about me the whole day. Well I gotta run to school. Thanks for listening.

June 11 (5:09 pm)
Really bad idea to raise my hand. More info later. Thanks for listening.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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