The pregnancy

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Your POV

I was pregnant with my first born I smiled and rubbed the baby bump

"hey, hun how you both doing?" Zed said I smiled at him and pecked his lips

"we're fine Honey. I'm just a little hungry that all." I said with a smile Zed went to make food for me he has been so sweet and that the quality I love about him I heard the door bell ring I slowly get up and go answer the door to see my pack mates they were excited about the baby "hey guys come in." I said with a smile they walked in and sit down

"How's the princess of the wolves doing?" Willa said with her hand on my belly I chuckled

"she's healthy." I said with a smile "what about your guys pups?" I asked the girls pointing to their bellies

"Their okay." Kailey Wynter and Willa said in unison I smiled

"that's good to hear." I said with a smile on my face

"Hun, here's a (F/F)." Zed said i smiled

"thanks honey that was sweet of you." I said I kissed zed with a smile and pulled away and started eating my food

"no problem hun." Zed said he saw my pack mates "It's good to see you guys again." Zed said with a smile the pack gave me presents I smiled at them I open Wyatt's first it was a blanket that was soft

"It's for the baby when she comes." Wyatt said

"awe, thanks Wye." I said he smiled and nods I go to Willa's gift second and open it and it was a beanie with matching footies

"I was excited when I saw these in the store." Willa said 

"Thanks Willa. I love it." I said with a smile she was really happy about that if she had a tail she would be waging it I chuckled with a smile I go to Kailey's present It was a onsie 

*the onsie*

"Oh my gosh

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"Oh my gosh. this so funny." I said

"I thought you'd like it." Kailey said I smiled

"I love it thanks Kailey." I said my eyes started tearing up but i had the widest smile ever seen on me i go to Wynter's present it was a pillow for the baby crib it floral patterned "oh, it's so beautiful." I said with a smile I was close to give birth so are the other girls  "I really like these gifts thank you." I said

"It's our Pleasure Y/n." Wyatt said with a smile

"how James?" I asked

"he's good a little impatient for his little one to be born you know." Wynter said

"I do all to well. It's just cause the father's want to know their kids you know." I said with a smile I then yelp in pain

"Y/n what's wrong?" Zed asked

"the baby. I think she's coming." I said

"okay Hun let get you to the car so I can take you to the hospital." Zed said I nod he helps me into the passengers seat I did my breathing all the way to the hospital I was taken into a hospital room 

"okay nurse how dilated is she?" The doctor asked 

"10cm." The Nurse said I was breathing

"okay I think your ready." The Doctor said I nod "when I tell you i need you to push okay." The doctor said I nod I was breathing "okay push Y/n." The doctor said I pushed as hard as I could "now breathe." The doctor said I breathe calming down "okay push again." The doctor said I pushed again feeling the baby coming "I see the head your almost there Y/n." the doctor said I was breathing "push one more big Push Y/n." The doctor said i pushed on last time the baby was crying i sigh in relief that she was okay "you have a 8 ounce baby girl and she's 8 inches." The doctor said i give him the blanket that Wyatt gave me he wrapped your little girl in it and Gives her to you

"what you going to name her dear?" The nurse asked

"Maxine." I said with a smile she writes  the name on her birth certificate 

"hey, i feel like I've waited my whole life to see you." I said

"me too little princess." Zed

"miss Y/n... you're brother is here with Addison shall i show them in?" The nurse asked

"yes please." I said with a smile My brother and Addison rushed through the door

"hey, guys." Zed said with a smile

"I'd like you to meet you're niece Henry. this is Maxine." I said with a smile she had zombie skin but her hair was blue green and white "do you want to hold her?" I asked

"can I?" Henry said I nod 

"here you go." I said

"hey, do you mind taking a picture?" Zed said

"Sure." She said and took the picture and gave the camera back to zed

"thanks." Zed said with a smile I knew that Kailey Wynter and Willa immediately went into labor after I did so they were giving birth now I rest becaues I was tired from what I've been through today

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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