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3rd person POV

"Welcome to Seabrook. We're a perfectly planned community.  We all have perfect homes... perfect clothes... the perfect life." Y/n said

"Yep. Everything was perfect." Henry and peter said

"Until it wasn't. Who would have thought that an accident involving lime soda would steal off the apocalypse." Zed said

"And when the contaminated green haze blew west, people were not happy." Addison said

"Because it turned them into... zombies." Zed said

"That's right. Zombies!" I said

"Brain-eatting... zombies." zed said

"Dark, gory times." Henry said

"But we built a big barrier to protect us from the zombie hordes." Addison said

"Safe at last, Seabrook could finally get back to our perfect lives." Me and Peter said

"Well, a lot has changed since they built the barrier fifty years ago. Science found a much better way to deal with zombies.  And you know what happened to those old brain eating monsters?  Well, they still have to live on this side of the barrier,  but now... they're awesome." Zed said

Zed's POV

"I'm zed. And yeah... I'm a zombie." I said as I go over to my closest "zombie have to wear government issued coveralls." I said opening my closet and took one out "but we make 'em look pretty cool." I said I put it back into my closet and closed the door "and we have a curfew.  And for a long time we were forced to stay in zombie town. But we've come a long way since the outbreak. Thanks to the Z-band." I said as I sit down "this puppy delivers a dose of soothing electromagnetic pulse that keep us from eating brains." I said then I said "now, zombies can live happy lives and have handsome,  yet humble, kids." I said as I go grab my football "so things are changing.  Today the first day we can attend human high school... and I get to try out for the football team." I said then I worked out for the remainder of time before school

Your POV

I was at the dining table doing taxes for my mom

"Hey, mom what is this charcoal 14750 at funtime co?" I asked

"Uh bouncy castle for Peter's birthday." Mom said

"Did our financial statement come in the mail?"  I asked

"Yeah, I forgot to give it to." Mom said

"You should really read it. know what it says." I said I looked at the Audience "oh, hi I'm Y/n Carpenter.  I have a really high IQ I'm doing taxes for mom before school right now and my brothers are getting ready for  their first day of Seabrook schools me and Henry are going to high school with Peter's in elementary school." I  said I look at my mom "I have to get ready for school Mom." I said she nods at me I go to the room I share with Henry and Peter looking for the perfect outfit I finally found it "perfect." I  said I  go to the bathroom and get dressed

*my outfit*

I walked out of the bathroom with a smile on my face

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I walked out of the bathroom with a smile on my face

"Ready at last." I said with a smile

Addison's POV

"Give me a F! Give me an I! Give me a R, S, T! It's the first day of freshman year for me, me, me!" I cheered I turned around to the camera "oh. Hi, I'm addison.  And I've crushed cheer summer after cheer summer of cheer camp. but today's my shot at  making the Seabrook cheer squad! You make cheer and you fit in." I said as I walked to my bathroom door "and why wouldn't I fit in? I'm a totally normal teen." I said then I looked in the mirror and sighed "well... except for this." I said moving my wig on pulled out some of my real hair "born with it. Doctors can't explain it. They think it's some rare genetic thing. I can't dye it. Nothing sticks.  I've tried everything. In some places this hair might be odd in like a cool way..." I said I put my hair back into the wig "but not at Seabrook.  People here hate anything that's different. If anyone outside my family found out I wore a wig... I would never be allowed to cheer. So I've worn a wig for as long as I can remember." I said

Your POV

I walked into the room to see Henry and Peter all dressed up and ready for school

"Are you guys excited to meet new people?" I asked them brushing Peter's hair

"I am." Peter said I chuckled

"What about you Henry?" I asked

"Well, it depends on how they treat you for your really high IQ I heard that people here don't like anything different." Henry said I smile at his worry for me I finished Peter's hair I started brushing out Henry's hair

"You need a hair cut Henry." I said as  I finished his hair

"Not really my hair isn't that long." Henry said I chuckled and smiled I then do my hair

*your hair style*

"Let's go eat breakfast then we can go

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"Let's go eat breakfast then we can go." I said to Henry and Peter they nod we go to the dinning room and each some cereal

Zed's POV

I was walking to the dining room I see Zoey

"Here you go, Zander. It a bone." Zoey said

"That's my little sister Zoey. She really wants a dog but zombies aren't allowed to have pets. Some people still think we'll eat 'em." I said to the audience I looked at Zoey and barked her her attention

"Come,  zed. come." Zoey said I go up to her and bark "good boy." Zoey  said patting my shoulder

"Hey, son, try this. Brains-in-a-can. It's made of cauliflower.  and some for you, my little zombie angel." Dad said

"It tastes like gym sneakers,  dad." I said

"I know. How great is that." Dad said I nod in agreement "listen, Zed, I'm not so sure about this whole football thing, you know?  It might be too much. I mean,  you're a kid.  It's just... you haven't spent a whole lot of time with Humans -and humans don't really like zombies." Dad said

"That just 'cause they haven't met me yet." I said dad laughs I barked and high-five Zoey and left my house

zombies are humans too (Zed Necrodopolis x reader)Where stories live. Discover now