**Imagine- tease (Lime)

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Leonora Lesso x NonGenderSpecific!reader

Warnings: Lime | Y/n POV

Don't blink.

Don't move.

Don't breathe.

I'm forced to watch and I hate it. I'm forced to think. I'm forced to see and forced to hear. Why? 

Out of all the things she could do and to do them to, it's her. To torture me? Well that's obvious, yes she wants to torture me. She want's me to feel the pain she believes I need to feel. But out of everything why this?

A hand gripping her hair, another fondling and exploring her body. Touching every sensitive spot teasingly , excruciatingly slowly. The hands slowly making their way to where she needs it most. So much teasing. Why did I disobey her?

Why didn't I just listen?

Maybe then I wouldn't have to watch, maybe I would've gotten a chance to play.

"Are you sorry yet, my pet?" I nod my head. "Words. Pet."

"Yes mistress."

"Good pet~"

Imagine- tease

word count: 139

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