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Trees swayed as biting cold wind blew, chilling to the bone. Life itself stood still.

The forest exuberated blackness, it's trees tall, almost toughing the sky. Its skeleton branches, not a single leaf in sight, gave an air of death. The wolf waited, fur black as night, eyes red as blood, he blended into the night. He was getting impatient. Leave it to humans to mess up a perfect plan, he thought.

The moon hid behind the clouds, as if It sensed the lurking bloodlust, the scent of a demon.

Suddenly, there was light. A bumbling, stumbling fool, carring a torch, desperate for it to stay alight in the chilling night air. He tripped over air, and went crashing into the ground.

The monster sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought.

"Hello? " shouted a voice.

The wolf almost leapt with a start. Was this human trying to give a way their position , or was he just stupid?

"Hello?"the man shouted again. 

He decided it was the latter. 

The human couldn't understand why they couldn't met someplace that had more sun! He had tripped and almost died fourteen times! And not to mention the climate! It was so cold that-

His foot snagged on a log, and he went tumbling down into a ravine.

Make that fifteen.

Upon hearing no reply, he continued, "Are you there? Are we still going on with the plan? "He still heard nothing.

"Stupid mutt," he muttered under his breath.

Big mistake.

Hissing, he jumped from his hiding place, pouncing on the human. He made sure to stick a very sharp claw into his back, and snarled deep and long into his ear. He didn't feel satisfied until he felt the insect beneath him writhe in agony. 

 He began to shift, bones changing into skin as he stood unclothed, and proud. 

"I would be careful of what comes out of that mouth, human." he hissed. "It will barely take any of my strength to snap you like a twig." He applied extra pressure to his back, before stepping back. 

The human gulped, he hated when the shapeshifter creeped around. Where had he come from? And he obviously wasn't bothered by the fact that he was scantily clothed, as he made no move to clothe himself. The human got up slowly, ignoring the stabbing pain in his back. He could not affort to show weakness. He didn't wan't to make it more angry. 

He was the 6th messenger in 2 weeks. 

He shuddered to think of those before him.

"So... " The human drifted off... " About the assassination-" he whimpered, finally standing.

The Shapeshifter let out an angry roar, rushing over to him in a flash, grabbing and slamming the human's head into the forest ground. He snarled, baring his fangs"My people can hear your heartbeat from a mile away you oaf! Are you stupid? Why would you say that out loud?"

He pushed himself off the man, and walked over to a tree, pulling a robe from behind it. After putting it on, he walked towards the human and crushed the torch with his hand. He ignored the sizzling of flesh and turned, starting to pace.

"Are you sure no one followed you?" The man asked.

"Yes," the human said.

"Good. Then Phase One of the plan will soon start. Are all the humans ready?"

The Shapeshifters of Raoon (Summoner Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now