Chapter 1

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Read A/N at the End.


Everything hurt.

It hurt to move. To breathe. To live.

Everything hurt.

He should have known that this would have happened to him.

After his splendid show at the inn, Marie sent him up to his room( with no supper of course) and threatened harsh punishment for later.

This was why he was like this.

The lashes in his back burned at the slightest movement, so he sat still.

And wallowed in his self pity.

How he wished his pain would end.


How he wished his life would change.


"How I wish that annoying voice would stop," he muttered.

"I heard that..," said the voice.

He groaned in annoyance, then winced as his back burned.

He heard some grunts, and soon his friend's head popped up at his window.

"Wow," he said grinning, "You look like you're in pain." he climbed through the window and sat on the window sill.

"That's only...." John replied with great struggle, "the half of it, my friend."

"Don't worry," Micheal said, plopping on his bed and shaking out his bag, "I've come prepared!"

Several muffled screams and gauze later, John sat up in his bed, facing his friend. He noticed that he couldn't stop grinning. Even his red curly hair seemed jolly as it glistened in the candlelight.

"Okay," John said, having enough of his friend's jolly mood. "What's going on?"

"Thought you'd never ask, my friend." Micheal replied, moving closer to John's face. "I got...." his voice dropped down to a whisper, "Revenge."

John looked puzzled. "Reven-"

Micheal shushed him, and grabbed his bag. He shook out its contents. A scroll fell out.

John stared at it. "This is your revenge?"

Micheal nodded furiously. "Swiped it off the strange guy that got you into trouble." He said proudly.

John's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What?"

" After the whole whipping thing, That evil wench disappeared with him for a while. So I raided his bags." He walked towards the window again, looking at nothing in particular. "He was a noble by the looks of it."

"A noble?" John asks with confusion. What would a noble be doing here? They mostly hung out with their kind, the rich and royal. There was no one rich or royal near his town for miles. 

"Yeah," Micheal nods. "I heard footsteps, so I ran, but not before I grabbed that." He gestures towards the scroll.

John stared at it. It weighed practically nothing, and didn't look like anything important. He looked at Micheal.

"Well? Open it!" Micheal said, suddenly anxious. 

John sighed, removing the thread that kept it closed and unrolled it.

A gust of wind suddenly blew around the room, outing all the candles.

"What the-" Micheal cursed. 

The moon was out, so he could still see to read.

De nai sesh dunai lem nai

What strange words.

"You're reading it aloud?" Micheal asked, looking ..... Wary? 

"Well, yeah. It can't be that bad, right?" No harm could come from reading a simple scroll, right? 

"Okay," he backed away slowly, pressing himself against the wall. "I'll be over here if anything blows up."

John continued to read, and started to feel weird- like his blood was charged with electricity. He started to sweat.

His voice seemed to echo in the room, ominously. Micheal stood rigid as he stared at his friend, he was afraid of telling him to stop reading, and he was afraid of what was going to happen in the end.

Navi se lah kai dun

John finished reading, and looked up at Micheal who was still pressed up against the wall with fear.

"Well," John said. "That wasn't so ba-"

The scroll started to glow. Slowly at first, then more brightly. Soon it lit up the whole room. Micheal threw it away from him.

It exploded.

And when the smoke cleared, John found himself staring into golden eyes.


Here's Chapter 1! Thank you for reading. I'm so sorry for not updating, I was just wondering if I should continue the story. Then I decided that i did!

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