VII. The Gates of Avalon.

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Lots of jealousy ensued in this chapter with the 'lovely' Sophia. So let's get on with the jealousy.

"Me? Jealous? Yes, i'll admit

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"Me? Jealous? Yes, i'll admit."


"Why am i here again?" Mikaela asks her brother in a hiss.

"You know why." Merlin answered back in a whisper.

For some reason the prince had decided to bring along the young red head to hunting, saying something along the line of. 'If you ever were to get in a situation that you would need to hunt to survive. I would like you to be able to do so.'"

So here she is, black leather pants, white thin shirt with a black fabric corset and boots up to her knees. A bow and arrow slung around her shoulder. When they got to the woods and Arthur told her he would show her how to.

She kindly reminded him with a cheeky grin kn her face that she grew up in a small village. So she went in front and shot down the first animal they saw, a little rabbit. She had closed her eyes for a second, thanking the animal for its sacrifice as it hurt her physically to inflict pain on animals.

She slung back the bow around her shoulder and smile at the prince, who made her brother fetch it and giving her a moment to tell the prince that this wasn't her first hunt. So much was obvious about the way she shot doen the rabbit. With accuracy and killing it instantly, not letting the poor animal suffer.

Arthur slinks through the woods with a crossbow, crouched down as he moves around the bushes. Merlin not looking where he is going, bursts out of the trees and bumps Arthur as he's about to shoot.

"What is it?" Merlin asks as he had startled away the deer.

"You really are a total buffoon, aren't you, Merlin?!" Arthur snaps angrily at her brother. She places her hand on the prince's lower arm to calm him down.

"I was just asking." Merlin says a little guilty.

"Who? Me or the deer?! We're supposed to be hunting. It requires speed, stealth and an agile mind." Arthur snaps angrily, flicking his fingers on Merlin's forehead.

"So you're able to get by on two out of three, then?" Merlin says, which earns a snort from Mikaela.

"Calm down, Arthur. We'll find another deer." Mikaela says gently to the prince.

He looks at her with a sighs and calms down from his anger towards her brother. She gives him a soft smile and rubs his shoulder in comfort. Suddenly the three of them can hear a woman screaming in the distance.

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