Chapter 17

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The next morning everyone came to visit both kojiro and Poseidon,to know more about the pregnancy of Poseidon and to congratulate them.

"Hai dear"Qin shi huang the ever over proud emperor of china,for some reason Poseidon hated him.

Just hearing his voice makes Poseidon hiss towards him like a snake,everytime he do that Qin is always having a tears on his face.

"Why do you hate me so much?!"Qin ask with a little bit of aggression.

"Don't come near me,you stink!!"Poseidon said while hugging his body and walking farther away from him.

"What!!!???but I did took a bath before coming here..."Qin sniff himself to see if his really stinking,,but he concluded that his his quite confused.

"What he meant stink"Brunhilde explained to him with embarrassments trace on her voice.

Goll, Brunhilde sister was blushing really hard after hearing her sisters word of choice.

"Ne...nee-san shouldn't said it like that!!..."she will never be able to get use to her sisters antics.

"Congratulations...che I'll really hate you..."Hrist, kojiro's partner in the battle but that's that nothing more.

"What!!!!I haven't even gotten laid off for a month Brunhilde...."Qin is really shameless saying something like that Infront of everyone.

"Hoh hoh...I hope the child has a vibrant color..."jack the reaper said.

"Ohhhhh....a gift from heaven ohhh~"Heracles really love children,being a fan of human makes him became reliable.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!!!!"Poseidon screamed,being expose to loud noises makes his belly hurts.

"Guys calmed down please Sei is currently sensitive to loud noises and sound,it makes his belly hurts since the baby is acting up"kojiro explained calmly to them and everyone listen.

Its not like they didn't listen but Poseidon screaming so loudly makes them stop immediately,so kojiro didn't really need to tell them to stop.

Everyone apologize to Poseidon and waited for the sweets that has been prepared for their visit.

"So how are you all,this past week?"kojiro feeling awkward started the conversation.

" it's fine,I can still bear it to be honest"Qin answered.

"I'm still taking some measures to the battle,since it lasted for a weak or so,I have some things to bring back to it's normal state"Brunhilde told him.

"Hmm I'm currently on the bridge of discovering something new along with my companion Beelzebub,something that will change humanity"Nicola Tesla really love science

"Hoho I see so many colors here that I never see before in my life, especially I could see Heracles color everyday that's why I'm good and satisfied"jack the ripper said happily.

"How are you father?"kojiro suddenly said father that's why everyone looked at him with wide eyes

"Ahh I'm fine your mother is a little bit sad to not know sooner but yeah she's coping with it"the father of humanity said to kojiro and everyone blink in confusion

"W-wait what do you mean father?a-aren't you...your older than him right?"poseidon was the first person to asked him

"Yeah but you see before the god created father,they created me first but from his blood and other vessel which make me his son,even though he doesn't have any life at the time I was created,father sure did existed before me but in a lifeless way"kojiro shortly explained

Adam nodded to his statement conforming it"it's true kojiro was created with my blood and vessel even though my body is still a lifeless looking doll"

Everyone didn't think of it much but they're sure of one thing kojiro has a lot of secret they don't know about.

Everyone stayed until evening,they only leave when it's already dark and poseidon needed to rest.

"I'm so tired, didn't even know I will get tired"Poseidon commented to no one.

"Then rest I will be here,I just need to take a quick bath"kojiro kissed Poseidon's forehead before going to the bathroom to take a shower.

While kojiro was taking a bath he heard a loud shattering of glass outside of the bathroom,out of worry for Poseidon kojiro emmidiately goes outside of the bathroom to look if Poseidon is ok.

Kojiro goes out of the bathroom with only a towel around his waist but he didn't pay much attention to it,the only thing his laying attention was the broken window,messy bedroom and Poseidon's missing presence.

Anxiety was building up in kojiro's nerves,he scream so loud that everyone in the minor came rushing to see if something happen.

Upon seeing the state of there masters bedroom they all emmidiately helped kojiro stand up and called for everyone who can help,like Poseidon's brothers, subordinate and friends.

When the news of the missing Poseidon reach hades ears he emmidiately left his minor to go check if it's true and once his there he confirmed that it's true,he saw kojiro with a expressionless face it feels like his not there.

While the only thing his friends can do is to calm kojiro until kojiro's Patron got there.

"Oh my god....this is super bad"one of the patron arrive shortly after the announcement and seeing kojiro with a emotionless face he knew there's that it's doom that's coming.

"Did you already call the other patron?"zeshta the head of the battle angel and one of the patron.

"Yes we called the others miss.."one of the maid said

"Good...this is so bad...fuck..."they all look at her with wide eyes,they didn't think an angel would curse.

"What?!first time seen an angel curse?well I'm not practically a pure angel anyway....I'm the head of the battle angels"zeshta explain shortly everyone nodded not really processing it,since they are supporting kojiro.

"Don't move master...keep him still...if you move him an inch his going to burst"zeshta warned them and even if they don't know what's happening they still comply to her.

Half a minute later after zeshta's arrival the others arrive too,they look at kojiro then the room they signal the others who's supporting kojiro to give him to them.

They thanked them,everyone in the room except the patron thought that they must be used to this since they are not moving an inch in order to not move kojiro.

But all of them also wondered what will happen if they moved kojiro just a little bit,they all look at each other before nodding thinking the same thing.

Move kojiro a bit to see what will happen.

I'm really sorry I just posted now,I have so many things to do.

I have to do a acting video about I want to eat your pancreas then will do another one about magic product.

I didn't realize that I haven't posted for a long time now.

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