1. Sukuna - Barrier

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"So you've chosen to betray me." 

The low voice rang through the room with great severity. The long rectangular room had no windows in its dull white walls, nothing that could connect me to the outside world. Even the door that had borne us entrance could only be reached by a long narrow hallway, and taking that path would result in certain death. One cannot hope to survive being trapped in such a narrow space with a raving monster. Going through it with Yuji was no problem, but now... my eyes were fixed on the entity on the other side of the room. The dim, flickering industrial lights hung from above and swayed nervously. They cast their light on me, but less so on the creature I shared the room with as if they were afraid to displease him. I shivered from cold and pure anxiety, feeling trapped and exposed to the light.

"Is your silence your sign of acceptance?" the voice rang again. Sukuna was still lying on the floor Yuji had lain and was not looking at me yet. Instead, he looked at his own limbs with great disgust, then finally rose to his full height with his chest proudly and powerfully put forward. I had not been able to make any sound yet and watched him in awe and fright whilst my eyes kept blinking to keep myself from bursting into tears. My mouth opened to speak but solely deformed sounds left my lips.

"Not even able to speak," said Sukuna annoyed, "is that really all you can produce to protect yourself? What a waste of time." He mocked me without the usual pleasure in his eyes. Two dark, hard eyes watched me without cease, making me feel even more fragile.


"You did not?" He interrupted me, his effortlessly stable voice in stark contrast with mine. "Then what's this scheming with that tall white-haired idiot to make Yuji stronger against me?" He approached me. His bare feet made no sound against the tile floor but every step looked heavy to me. Slowly, one foot in front of the other, as if all time had stopped anyways. As if he had control of time. "As if that would ever happen though. No one could get on my level, not him, not that white-haired fool... not even you."

Another step and he had crossed the middle of the room. "What would this betrayal gain you? What benefit would you get? Did you think you'd be safe behind your friends? Did you think I wouldn't notice? My my, you've got much to learn..." Again a step. He moved into the light and flashed his dark eyes on me. In them, I saw the twisted look of crazed desire for blood and battle that I had seen earlier but never before was it meant for me. The sickening smell of my own sweat reached my nose as I fixed my eyes frozen on the creeping creature that approached me.

"And now... what? What to do with you? I could break you in two where you stand, but wouldn't that be too merciful for those that betray my trust? What do you think? No wait, don't answer that. I've had enough of your pitiful mumblings."

Then he raised his right arm and pointed his long black nails at me. A slight smile shot up his lips before he let down his arm in a powerful gesture. Dark ghostly blades large and sharp enough to easily slice me into a million pieces came flying towards me. I gasped, closed my eyes, and flinched my arms in front of my face in a futile attempt to protect myself. I felt no blade, no excruciating pain, only the sweat droplets roll over my neck and down my back. For a blissful moment I thought Sukuna had pity on me and decided not to hurt me, but when I opened my eyes I saw the blades clearly in front of me. Yet they were stuck in the shield I had hastily instinctively created. Through the cracks in the transparent shield I saw Sukuna's face watching me... surprised. Only for a flicker of a moment he looked shocked, then quickly regained his composure and smile crazily. His eyes blazed with familiar pleasure and he looked amused at me. "Not one to go down without a fight, huh? Good! Good! But shields won't hurt me and they can't protect you forever!"

Another blade came running my way. It broke through my protection so I quickly made a new one. It stopped the blade but simultaneously broke in smithereens. I gasped when another one came rushing my way and barely blocked it. Sukuna's smile widened. "Come on, give me more of those gasps, make this fun for me!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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