Clay - The bar

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"Eyyy the lost sibling returned" I shout, as I see Bailze enter the bar. They look at me and roll their eyes with a smile, while nodding. They seat themselve next to me. I wave my hand in order to get the attention of the bartender. But he doesn't move. He just stands there and looks at the floor. His dyed red hair reaching to his shoulder, half of his hair up in a small bun. His statue is a little bit chubby, cute. He's leaning on the counter, showing the tattoo on his arm. It's a snake, going from his wrist up to his ellbow. "Hey, may we have another beer?" I ask him, but he doesn't react. From the side of my sight I see Bailze look up, to the bartender. They mutter something under their breath and disappear. Seconds later I see them standing next to the bartender, talking to him.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck...." I hear them say and look at me with concern in their eyes. He takes a syringe out of the guys pocket and stabbing it into his leg. About 30 seconds later the guy starts moving again, slowly. Bailze talkes to him for a moment, until they nod and come back to seat themselves next to me again. They sigh loudly.

"You know this guy?"

"Not really know. But I've talked to him before."

"And why have you stabbed him with an injection? Is he some kind of drug addict?"

"I am not a addict, not a drug addict at least." the bartender now answers, as he brings us two bottles of beer. "Thank you Mx. Tolar. I'll take over the payment of these two beers. Something else I can do for you two?" he asks and I look at my friend. "Tolar? Who's that?" utterly confused I'm left with no answer.

"No thank you... Asher. We're good for now." Bailze says as they turn to me. "I am Mx. Tolar you moron. You didn't know my last name?" they ask me confused, but smiling. "Fuck no. I don't care about your last name- And mx? Why does this guy call you by your last name? Why does he even know your name?" I ask. I am so confused. Blaize is my friend for over 5 years and I never thought about asking for their lastname. I knew they worked at a hospital, as a nurse, but where do they know this guy from.

"I'm Asher. Mx is a formal title to a Non-Binary person, they introduced themselves like that at the hospital. I know their name from there, since they were my nurse... for a short amount of time." the bartender, apparently Asher, answers my questions. I glare at him. Those questions were for Bailze and not him. I didn't ask him, so why the heck does he answer?

"I didn't ask you." I spit out sharply. "Please Asher- call me Bailze, I'm not your nurse anymore, nor are you in the hospital." Bailze interrupts my rage.

"Sure, I'm sorry for exposing your lastname to your... friend? Have a fun night." Asher says and walks away. Bailze only sighs and sips their beer. "What was that all about?" I ask, still confused as hell. They change the topic, asking me about my job. Now it's time for me to sigh.

"It's going as always. I don't get payed enough for this." After some talking, I realise that my beer is empty and wave over the weird barkeeper again.

"Can you mix cocktails?"

"Do I look like I can't? Sure, what would you like to order sir?"

"Something strong. Shoot me down." Rolling his eyes he goes over to the cocktail shaker and starts mixing something. I watch his hand movements closely. He shakes the shaker slowly, as if trying not to pass out. Cutting a lemon and putting it into a glass. Then he swirls the shaker and lets the drink flood into the glass. According to the clock- 1minute and 49 seconds later I have my drink infront of me. But before I can take it into my hands, he moves it away.

"Are you here with a car?" he requires to know.

"Why would I fucking tell you?" I ask.

"Because this drink will 'Shoot you down' as you put it."

"Yes, I have my car here. And now?" I'm starting to get furious at this man. He thinks he can command me around like a little kid.

"I'll drive him home." Bailze announces.

An argument breaks off between me and them. Bailze saying they wouldn't let me go home alone, until Asher speaks up again.

"You won't get that drink, unless you agree with your friend. I have to make sure, that nobody makes an accident or drives home alcoholised, else I would get in a hell of trouble."

I growl and nod. "Bullshit, but fine. I just want my drink."

Asher puts my drink down and turns to Bailze. "Are you an angel? Cuz you saved my life three times already." he says jokingly. Bailze laughs. "Nope, just a nurse with weird friends. Would you be so kind and bring us the reciept?" They ask and Asher nods, walking back to the checkout.

„You call me weird?!" I snap at Bailze. They laugh and answer: „Yes, cuz you are". I sigh and give up arguing with them, knowing I can't win, taking a big sip of my drink. It tastes a little sweet, but the alcohol is burning in my throat. An all to well known feeling that reminds me of my past. The past I wish to forget. I gulp the rest of the drink down, not really feeling anything, as the barkeeper comes back.

„You already drank it...?" he asks with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yes. is that your fucking problem?" I snap at him. He looks at me with an unreadable expression and turns to Bailze. This man is making my blood boil. How is it possible, that a bartender is so annoying?

He shoves Bailze a paper and they talk, I don't bother to listen. I'm gonna go crazy if this man keeps annoying me.

"Can we go now? This Bar is boring." I ask, knowing I won't escape Bailze driving me home.

Bailze nods and says their goodbyes ti the barkeeper. As he looks at me I snap again. "Tf are you looking at?! Mind your damn business bartender."

He shook his head and goes away. I stand up, thinking the alcohol in that drink was just the normal amount. As I'm standing, I can feel it. My world starts turning and my mind goes fuzzy. All of the thoughts disappear and I have to hold onto the counter to not loose my balance.

Fuck. Asher apparently knows what he does. Bailze immediately catches on and holds my arm, going with me slowly to their car. They but me into the passenger seat and go to the driver seat.

"If you throw up in my car I'll kick you out of the driving car." they threaten. I laugh. "Nnooooo you wonn to thaaat." my words slur out of my mouth. Bailze gives me a concerned look before starting the motor.

The car ride is silent. I look out of the window, not really getting what's happening. The street light turn into one light, circling around me. My stomach growls.

"You haven't eaten?" the driver asks. I don't answer. They already know I haven't, I never really do. A sigh is heard before everything falls silent again.

I feel empty, dizzy and hungry. When I get home I can maybe cook something, but my friend next to me knows what I'm thinking about. "I'll cook you something, you won't light your kitchen on fire. You can't afford that at the moment Clay." they say seriously. As we get to my apartment complex, they walk me up the stairs, to my flat.

Keys. Where are my keys. Fidgeting through my stuff with numb and disoriented hand movements I go through my pockets.

Right when I want to say, that I don't know where my keys are, Bailze gets a call.

They greet the person and start nodding, listening to the person on the other line. "Good, see you in a few." they end the call.

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