Asher - Keys

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I'm cleaning the bar stools of the two friends that just sat there. My shift ends in five minutes and I can finally go home. Something shiny takes my attention. It's laying in the floor and when I look down, I can see keys. It's just two keys and a little bunny plushy.

I sigh. It's exactly at the spot these two sat. Keep it up, I say to myself. I go around the counter, into our break room. Akihiko is sitting there, preparing for the trouble the night brings. It's around 12am right now, the real trouble starts now.

"Heyy Asher man. How are you?" she asks me, with her deep, raspy voice.

"I'm okay and you Aiko?" I ask back. Aiko is her nickname, also a japanese female name, that's the point. Akihiko likes her name, in japan it's a male name, but she adores it.

"I'm fine- just breathing before I get out there." she answers with a smile. I know her by now, I worked with her for over two months. After the hospital I went back home and already two weeks later, I started here.

I get my phone out and tap in the number on the paper. "Mr. Talor speaking" is heard from the other side of the line, after I pressed the green button.

"H-hey uhhh Bailze right?" I ask and hear a quiet yes as an answer. "Yeah, I found a key under your seats. It has a little bunny on the keychain-" I start speaking. "Ohhh it's Asher, hey. Yeah that's Clay's key. Clay is just staring at me and is not in the position to be able to travel. Do you mind coming here?" Bailze asks.

"I- This- I don't even know him- And now I should come to his place?" Aiko behind me gasps. She should be out already. "Give me a second." I tell Bailze and cover the speaker. "Move your dick out honey and show these people what a woman actually looks like." I say and wink at her. I would never make a joke like that about a trans woman I don't know. She always made those jokes and I talked to her about it. She gave me specific permission to say something like that.

It kinda made me uncomfortable at the start. I know that it helps her to cope with the fact of not being able to get the gender affirming care at the moment. Her smile grows wider and her eyes start to shine after hearing my comment. This reaction can't be faked. She stands up and swings her hips overly dramatic. Then she goes out and the last thing I hear is her saying: "Have a fun night." with a laugh in her voice.

"Okay I'm back. I'll be there in a few, send me the address." suddenly I feel energetic. Too energetic- This is going to be a deep low soon. I go out of the room and ruffle Aikos hair while passing by. She still has the smile on her face and seems way more motivated than before. I hear her mutter something, but I'm too far away to understand it.

A message appears on my phone. Bailze send me the address.

As I arrive, I see a big apartment complex in front of me. It has a small light in-front of the big double door. I let myself in and go upstairs. They have to be somewhere on the hallway. On the second floor I see them. Arguing again. Clay looks at me and his eyes widen in shock.

"Te annnnnoyyyying baaaallkeepell?" he slurs. I can tell that my drink was made exactly right. It shot him down immediately, even tho I regret making the perfect drink he asked for.

"I got your keys." I answer to his statement.

"Youuuuu stole zem?" He asks. He is completely gone.

I look back to Bailze. "Hey- Uhhh sorry about the call earlier. But yeah- I can see that you can't go anywhere right now. When does your next shift start?" Bailze looks at the clock and a small "Fuck" escapes their lips. As they looks up again they seem stressed and overwhelmed. "In then minutes." they breath out. My eyes widen in shock. "Go. I'll take it from here. I have enough knowledge about this kind of situation. You can make it in 5 minutes to the hospital if you take the side road right behind this complex, then you have 5 to get ready." Bailze looks uneasy for a second, before they nod and run down the stairs. "I call you when I got time!" they yell and the door closes behind them. I sigh and realise what I just did.

Oh fuck. How do I always get in these kind of situations. I look at the drunk, swaying man. "You got me as a babysitter. Behave." I say and go to the door. There is one key for a car, so it has to be the other one. I take it and open the door to his apartment. I hold the man by his waist, since I'm smaller and just walk where he goes. The bedroom. He lays down and I let him lay there.

"Gooooo" he says. I wish. I do wanna go home, but I told Bailze that I'd look out for him and he really can't be alone right now. Just then he starts to take of his shirt. Nononono.

"Ey. Stop it. I won't go. I'll go cook something for you, while you sit here and do nothing. Nothing you understand?" I say with the most authoritative voice I can.

He just looks at me. This is going to be a long night. Longer than when I'm alone at home.

The food is done and I'm bringing it to him on a plate I found in his drawers. This man is clean as hell. Everything has it's place and I did have to find out how his system works, but after that it was pretty easy to navigate in the kitchen. I push the door open and am faced with a man laying on the floor, laughing and crying. Babysitter. Nailed it.

Quickly putting down the food on the bedside table. I crouch down and take his arm, helping him up. Right then I feel the fuzzy feeling in my head. I have to push the flashbacks back, because he needs me right now. I don't fucking know this man and I definitely shouldn't be here, but I can't just let someone alone like that. Fuck.

I help him up and onto the bed. "Clay, right? I got food for you. It's not much- just chicken nuggets with fries. Eat it." I command and he does as I say. I watch him eat for a minute, to make sure that at least half the plate is gone. The fuzzy feeling in my head goes down to my feet. My limbs start to feel heavy.

I need to get out, now. My sight is getting blurry and I get out of the room. Fuck. No, this isn't happening. Shut up. Shut up. Stop it. I try to persuade my body into following my commands. I hear Clay in his bedroom, putting the plate down, but it shatters. I have to clean everything up. Fuck come on body. Help me for once.

With the left strength I go inside again and take the scattered glass from the floor. My vision still slightly blurry, but now I'm more in control of my body. Exactly like that, just push through it. Just ignore it. A snoring is heard and when I look beside me, the man is sleeping. Good. Less to care about.

I grab the scattered plate and go out of the room, closing the door. My sight still blurry. I put the glass into the bin and take out a glass for me to drink out of. I fill the glass with water and start searching for a couch. As I walk straight forward, I see the living room. He has a small couch. I let out the breath I held. I don't have to sleep on the floor. Slowly I sit down and put the glass of water on the table.

When I open my eyes the next time it's 8am. I probably fell asleep.

I stand up to get another water. Way too fast and shortly after waking up. Shortly after everything goes black. I feel a numb thud and a small burning feeling on my arm, as a shattering sound is heard. Laying there, not being able to move, see or hear anything anymore I wait. I wait until my body takes my commands again, but nothing happens. This is gonna take a while isn't it? I smell the wooden floor and I taste blood on my tongue. I hate this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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