every thing will be fine

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Sitting here alone ,on the bench in the park
Just thinking, when and how I came this far.

Turning back the pages of the book,my mind in utter confusion
Why these kids, running around and playing,seems like an illusion

Twenty two years not too long I stayed
Just holding to that rope, but it was yesterday when I swayed
Wondering,I could bet,it was fine uptill twenty
So when did all these colours started to fade

I know something isn't right
It is getting harder to see that distant shine
Every one around me , singing that melancholy melody
So please, please don't tell me everything will be fine....

The bustling of the traffic, deafening my ears
It is taking more than usual to hold back these tears
Maa,I missed you yesterday as well
But today,today I'll break it appears

There is so much to say but words words comply
I want to scream 'it hurts', but body keeps on to deny
If you were here you would've understood it all
But sitting in this park,way far from you,it's a waste to even try

I can hear it all,I know it's a sign
The gloomyness around me covering all the sunshine
It's all empty in me,I can feel it all
So don't fool me by saying, everything will be fine

I used to dance,but now can't find the rhythm
All that music in my head lost somewhere I could hardly fathom
And I know I should be strong,not let the darkness take over
But it keeps on to hover, making every thing around me alot more slower.

And I am strong, I'll surely not succumb
It just eases the pain to make all go numb
Hiding from it all is a much easier choice
But hiding a little more and nothing would ever suffice

So writing this today, in an attempt to define,
a feeling so heartwrenching, so dim ,so confine
And fighting this ailment, trying to scream this heart of mine
I'll keep on holding,won't ever let it all decline
I know it'll hurt, and sting and pain
But at the end of the day, I'll have to believe everything will indeed be fine.......

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