What to do?

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Shine was busy thinking for a way to survive  in this world of beasts when she got a brilliant plan, she could pass for a young male beastmen, if she wears some of her clothes and wears heavy makeup along with a little management of her hair.

Thinking about it for sometime she thought at it was not a bad idea as others don't take interest in male who are weaker and younger so she is safe.

And because she has yet to have her monthly cycle she   can easily pass for a young cub from far and close. She was also aware of the high sense of smell among animals, and hence has to make sure that she mixes her scent with that of nature, mud and soil to avoid others doubt about her identity.

She is a little scared about her exposure as she knew that once this world knows about her the far and wide people will come to surround her wanting to have her with them and she didn't like the single thing about it.

She was young kid herself and doesn't wants to look after another kid for a long time whether it's her own or not.

So now after thinking all this she went down towards the water source again and washed herself as fast as she could not before checking that there was no one far or near the 1 mile of that area.

After changing

She looked herself in the water and said "Quite good looking but weak I don't think anyone will want me if I say I am 10 years old and just changed my form

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She looked herself in the water and said "Quite good looking but weak I don't think anyone will want me if I say I am 10 years old and just changed my form. But better be safe then sorry"

Saying this she covered her face with mud here and there and applied black shadow around her eyes to make it look like somewhat panda. What can you say she used to adore panda since she was young, because they looked cute to her.

She then rolled on the grasses few times and now she was ready to travel to the beast city but before that she has to have a general idea about how to bend in the surrounding without being noticed.

She looked at her bag

And said "You need to look like a sack or basket, not a bag buddy, so let's find what I can do to without damaging you buddy

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And said "You need to look like a sack or basket, not a bag buddy, so let's find what I can do to without damaging you buddy. "

She thought and got an idea the furs of animals can provide her clothes, scents and even disguise. Why was she so slow but when she wanted to go hunt she found that the surrounding has already turned dark and moon was in the sky already.

"Okay better find a place to sleep and I can think of going and finding the materials tomorrow morning "saying that she walked towards a tree near by and climbed up with her bag and slept while sitting on one of branch of the tree.

As she slept she didn't notice that a pair of red eyes looked at the her from a far distance and was thinking some curiosity with "what is this young male cub doing here alone."

The next day Shine woke up and was ready to start her journey when she found the surrounding quite not right she looked around and saw wolves surrounding the tree she was on and were ready to pounch on her.

"Oh buddy sorry but I am not your breakfast "and then with her knife she in her hand she rushed towards the pack and killed the total of about 6 wolves alone and but not after completely exhausting herself .She took  a breath and calmed herself down she looked around and found no one nearby so she hurriedly drank water after cleaning her mouth and started separating fur from their bodies and cutting the meat of the wolves into large pieces.

After that she washed and dried the fur, whereas for the meat she went around searching for bamboos to make a basket to store it. After a long search and time she finally found them and made basket out of it she then put the meat in the basket and collected the furs and started stitching it around her bag to make it look like sack.

After a long time she succeeded and was feeling good about her handicraft now she heard a growl but this time it came from her stomach. She sighed and took out the fruits she has packed aate it while trying to catch some fishes again, she lit a fire, again roasted the fish and ate it.

Once after filling her stomach she carried her bag in her back and basket in her hands and started walking towards the direction she knew will take her to the village where the story started but not before changing her shoes.

She was not careless to get her feet harmed or injured, it was one of the mantras to survive here

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She was not careless to get her feet harmed or injured, it was one of the mantras to survive here.

After walking for about more then an hour she looked before and found a village  which was still a little far.

She rested a little and drank water and started walking towards the village again.

Finally she reached the village just as it was about to sunset. She was careful while walking and soon asked a male that looked like he was going somewhere.

"Where does the healer in the village  lives"asked Shine.

Maybe the beast was in good mood or in hurry he pointed towards a the direction even without looking  at the young fellow.

Shine was quick to thank him and took out a some of the meat and placed it in his hands along with a fur and went towards the pointed direction before the other could look at his direction.

The beastmen who was busy thinking suddenly saw the fur and meat in his hands and looked at the back of the young beast and was confused.

Meanwhile our shiny arrived at the Healer's house and just was about to knock when she stepped back and was happy that she did, because the leopard male of yesterday was carrying the female human and was taking her to his Hut and was rushing.

After the duo went away,  Shine walked in after knocking and asked "Are you the healer of this village "

Harvey or the healer who was just sad about the situation with Parker and His female looked up and found a young male cub standing near his entrance and was looking at him and has asked something.

the mysterious female in the beast worldWhere stories live. Discover now