What happened after that?

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Shane reappeared in front of the dessert she has passed by and fainted. As she fell on the ground, a rush of wind passed by and caught her.

If she would have been awake she would have never thought that the man who she was searching for found her easily and also when she had lost all hope of finding him.

The white tiger caught the thing falling from sky and placed it on the shed of tree. Only then did he noticed the young female cub who was yet to mature but was very beautiful but something bothered him, the marks of the beastman that was present in the girls body it was not the sign that indicated that the girl was not mated but had actual beast stripes.

And this made him realize that the girl was a rare case even for the rare females in beast world. He placed her carefully in the shed of  a tree and transformed into his human form ,a white haired man with a scar that ran from his forehead to one of his eye till his cheeks and went towards the forest to search for fruits and water for the young female cub , not before confirming any presence of beastmen around the area.

After just few moments as he has left, the young girl woke up and sensed a beast presence nearby so she rushed from there not caring about who the presence was of after all she was very tried and hurt because of using energy of stripe and also because she was struck with lighting in her back which now had a long and deep wound.

She was able to locate the temporary home that she had build and went back to rest. Somehow her bag she had hidden here was safe and also she has managed to collect a lot of materials while travelling here and there.

So she took out all the crystals, ermerld and also the various tonics and consumed it all together because the pain was becoming to much of her, and she needed to get healed before she is able to face anyone and also to fight for surviving.

The excess energy and and the healing process was so painful that the girl fainted again, this time for a long period of time.

Meanwhile, the white haired beast men returned to the place he had left the young female and was terrified to find her missing from there ,he also noticed the blood in the bark of tree where he had laid the young female cub 's back on.

He was so terrified that he didn't dare to relax even when he found out that there was no beastmen far and wide. He was also worried because the female cub was injured and was alone but he suddenly came across the thought that maybe she went somewhere herself, which he dismissed because he was, sure even with the beast strips she will not be able to move with all those wounds and pain.

" I have to find her and take her to be City so she can get treated. I can't just leave her  ,hurt and helpless all alone with no one to help and protect her."Winston said to himself.

After deciding that he took off to search for the young female cub and while he was searching for the lost female he was unaware that he will have to wait a little longer to finally meet her.

On the other hand, our little Shine woke up after 3 days of complete healing. After waking up she had a bath, ate her meal and took rest.

As this all was going on in the beast City , The Hawk beastman, Muir had brought the female lead Bai qingqing and Parker who had went to search for her had met them half way back.

Soon Parker and Bai qingqing reached the leopard palace and met with leopard king and his mate. Parker's mother, the leopard queen  was surprised to see the female hurt but without a mating sign of the feral.

She wondered why would any feral decide to kidnap a female and not mate with her. She asked the female lead many question about what had happened and after the whole talk she learnt that, 1)the feral was searching for a male cub, 2)he was not interested in her son's female and last he willingly gave away the female without any reluctance.

Now she was sure that the feral had been searching for something that the male cub knew maybe he was interested in any female relative of that panda cub. So she let go off her worry and allowed Parker and his mate to live in her Palace till they find a new home for themselves.

The arrogant Leopard Prince and the female lead went to their assigned rooms and where resting and where both were being treated.

On one side in the peacock village all the basement were having a discussion how they let go of such a beautiful female cub because of their prince and all the single male peacock were  blaming and cursing their prince as he was the reason they lost their chance to court a female and that to of the prettiest they will ever come across.

The proud peacock, Alva was still not able to respond to his father as his thoughts were on how he first met the female who was disguised as a male cub and how badly and rudely he treated her.He  made her do chores that were of servants that even the males didn't want to do yet that female didn't complain at all. He just could not get her face out of his mind and still was thinking about how beautiful and flawless she was.

His father the Peacock King was meanwhile thinking how he could not identify a female cub , she would have made not only an excellent mate for his son but also would have provided the village with more power in the form of her mates  much better than any peahen.

On one side of a large lake on grasses the round yellow membrane has started to move and soon a snake feral came out of it. It had red scales red long hair red eyes and 4 red strips in his neck. Behold the sight of Curtis as he came out of the protective membrane and tasted the air ,it had the  lingering smell of the female cub he wanted and now it is the time he will finally we able to meet her.

He also noticed the smell of few merfolks and hissed, " I am not naive enough to let go off my mate. I will search to every corner and end and find. Little shane just wait for sometime I will soon be able to be with you".

Why this was all going on our little female had rested enough and was now started to begin her journey towards the desert because now she was powerful enough to survive in the flame city. She need strength and power to be safe. She wanted to grow stronger and stronger so no one will be the cause of her fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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