What the hell happened?

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Shine  was rolling her eyes inside her mind. 'Hey miss,no not miss she is Mrs., but I don't know which and don't care? But why on earth , are you digging the ground I am standing, can you let me live peacefully '

But she dropped her things she was carrying and said with the shock and sad expression " I am sorry female I can't be your male, I am too young and have not completed my training, even so I can't be your mate, my mother has promised my hands to a female, and for that I have to have least of 2 stripes in about 4 years, I can't  do anything about that I am obligated to follow to listen to my mother and I am her only cub she has with any of her mates, I am really sorry please forgive me"and started crying hysterically.

Eudora who was at rage after hearing this male's  refusal was at rage at, was loss of words when she saw him crying pathetically. Even her males were shocked and didn't know how to handle this situation as they have not seen any male cry ,they were also very happy that he didn't accept their female as they don't have to fight for her affection with this guy who their female has been interested in within a short period  of time and this sadly .

While others were thinking about what to do, the person who caused this situation was thinking 'Why are you taking so much time hurry up and go away or scream or do something I can't cry for nothing for much longer '.

Seeing that no one was going to do anything for a long time Shane picked up her things and ran off crying  towards the forest and river area.

Seeing the young male running away and seeing his condition they couldn't even voice out a word.

Shine who has ran away stopped after she reached the river, she turned back to look if anyone was following her, after confirming that no one was chasing after her, she released a breath and was able to calm herself down.

"Thank God, I escaped otherwise I would have busted myself in front of that Eudora"she said after looking around her surrounding.

She then observed the sun to guess the timing and knew she has still about 1 and a half hour time before the sunsets. So she rushed towards the forest in full speed carrying the big basket in her head.

After finally arriving in the forest she searched for small animals such as rabbits and eggs of short bird (hen) , after a long search she found , hunted and collected about 7 rabbits and 20 eggs and a  medium sized boar  after a long fight.

She placed the rabbits in the basket, and then took out the fur bag and placed eggs on it .She then looked out for a pair of long and strong sticks to tie the boar on it.

She looked around and sighed the day was about to end and sun has finally set.

Looking at the thee different things she didn't want to attract attention towards herself, nor she wanted anyone to enjoy the sweet fruit of her hard work but carrying them all together cannot work out too.

Just as she was about to give up she suddenly thought of an idea she carefully placed the bag  with eggs in the basket ,then she tied the basket to her waist with one rope and then carried the sticks /poles with the boar in her head and started walking faster.

As the night began she passed by the river and then looking at the Hut a little further that 1 km on average she sighed and said "I haven't sang for a long time let's sing so that I won't feel tried if I think of something else other then carrying this load. "

After a long time she decided to sing one of the popular song she loved to sing in her native language Korean /hangul.

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