A New Member

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Sylvie doubled him with Kyle's old friend Noah, when Kyle got to know this from Dave, he was broken and all the friends consulted him that he deserves better they all called Sylvie and all said to her that you were wrong to leave him and she'll regret her decision. After a few weeks, Kyle got over her and went on with his daily life while Adam was in a town with all his 9 people, they were having a casual normal life until one day, Jake called Adam and told her to take care of Kylie, he said okay I'll be with her at all times. Jake called Kylie and told her that Adam will take care of her in her absence of him, she agreed and they all knew their boundaries, Kylie and Adam were like great friends and he called her home to play games with her on her Ps5. She came over and he called all the friends too, they had fun. They played board games and Ps5 turn by turn. They had fun. Veronica, who was friends with
Mortica. She knew that Dave was having a crush on her so she invited her over. Morticia was a weird
cute girl, she met Dave and it was like love at first sight for her. They both went on a date until Mortica
hugged Dave and he asked her to come to his home. On the way home he asked her to come over to his
house, she said she had no place to be and yeah she'll come. He asked if wouldn't your parents will
call you. She said she doesn't have one. He said that he also doesn't have one and said he lives by himself alone. She said okay she'll come and they spent their night with cuddles and kisses. The next day Adam came to Kylie's house. He saw that the stuff is fallen around as some kind of fight had happened, he called her name, and she was grunting. It was like some guy abducted her from her house, he called her name she wasn't replying. When he had gone to the kitchen, he saw her struggling with a jar of pickles she couldn't find the jar opener and was looking for that in her entire house. Adam takes a sigh of relief and said I am glad you are okay, she giggled and said you'd really think that someone will abduct me from my own house, I am a grown-up girl and knows how to fight.

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