Chapter 5 - Tom and Harriet

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Thank you for reading! I don't own any of Harry Potter! Please let me know if you enjoy!

First light came too soon the next morning.

After months of only obtaining rest by murmuring a charm under his breath, Tom had indulged in a night of deep, languid sleep with Harriet curled on his chest.

In the hay-covered loft of the Dursleys' garage, the couple blinked their bleary eyes open after a night spent falling in love and tumbling through pleasant dreams.

Harriet sighed to herself in woeful frustration as she confronted the disturbing truth that morning had arrived.

She listened to Tom's strong, steady heartbeat as he nuzzled her with a gentle purr, "Last night was exquisite, sweetling. It pains me so very much that I must leave today."

"Take me with you." Harriet whispered.

Tom half sat up as he asked with an incredulous scowl, ".........I beg your pardon, my darling?"

He met Harriet's green gaze as she looked him squarely in the face and pleaded, "Take me with you......Far away from here. I can be useful! I can.....I can cook! I can cook quite well, actually, my aunt has taught me how.....and I can clean.....Your uniforms, your weapons, I can be a great resource to you and your men! Please! Just.....Just get me out of here!"

Tom frowned at Harriet for a moment as he deftly played with a strand of her long, dark hair.

"You would rather leave your home and sleep in the unforgiving outside, face bullets, death, and torment, than to stay under your aunt and uncle's roof?" Tom frowned.

"I would rather be anywhere else in the world but here!" Harriet exclaimed.

She stared at Tom with wide eyes as she added, "And I would go anywhere in the world to follow you!....I'm.....I'm nothing! Can't you see? I'm nothing!"

Tom's dark eyes widened at Harriet's sentimental declaration.

She let out a breath as he cupped her face in one of his large hands, stared into her eyes, and spoke, "Harriet Potter, you are already more than you will ever realize and most're mine."

A possessive smirk of bloated confidence highlighted his handsome features as he raised an eyebrow at Harriet and added, "I have little doubt the war will end very soon. And when it does, I'll come for you....That is my vow, my darling Harriet, I will come for you."

"Tom, no......." Harriet gasped as he stood.

She watched in numbed horror while he dressed.

"Don't leave me here!" She cried as he bent down and kissed her lips once more.

Her eyes closed as she once again found herself consumed by the need for Tom's gentle affection after so many years starving for simple kindness.

"Oh, my darling Harriet......" Tom whispered in a decadent groan as he pulled himself away from his addictive lover.

Harriet opened her eyes to meet his dark gaze as he promised her with a wry smile, ".......Where I'm going is no place for you."

As Tom turned and walked down the steps that led to the loft in the Durselys' garage, Harriet cried out for him to stop, to turn around, to do anything but leave her there.

It was odd to Tom, the emotion her cries elicited.

Never had he once been consumed by such a desire help someone......anyone.

Tom Riddle vowed to himself that once the fighting was over and he could guarantee his lover a safe place by his side, he would return to the humble street of Privet Drive and collect Harriet Potter.

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