Remember Me

268 8 3

Day 1: Mastermind AU/[Pregame]/Postgame

Kaede laid on her bed, nervously tapping her foot on her wall as she looked through her Instagram feed to distract herself. But it was just filled with Danganronpa news. News of the upcoming 53rd season, everyone talking about how excited they were to see the new cast, setting, even motives.

The blonde would've been excited too, if she hadn't auditioned and was now waiting for the results.

A month ago, Team Danganronpa had posted they had concluded auditions and were now looking through the thousands of candidates to choose the 16 who would be put in. Kaede was among those thousands. She didn't have much faith in being chosen, just like with anything else in her life. But she still couldn't help being nervous about if she would be in the next season.

As she scrolled through the feed, Kaede got a notification from her DMs.

Mikankinnie: Anything yet?

Her eyes softened a little, smiling just a little.

Kaede had no faith in humanity whatsoever. Part of why she auditioned. But Kokichi was an exception. He was such a sweet and pure soul in this dark. Well, as pure as someone could be while also being a Danganronpa fan. Someone like him liking a twisted and dark show like Danganronpa surprised her, but that same person liking someone like her? That was unheard of.

And yet, he confessed to her right outside her school gates when she was walking home. She was shocked and thought of rejecting him, but she was intrigued. That's how it started, just curiosity. But it had grown into more. Though, she would never admit it.

She opened her DMs and clicked her boyfriend's account, texting him back.

Humanitysucks: Nothing yet. You?

Mikankinnie: No. Do you think we didn't make it?

The thought had obviously crossed her mind. But Kokichi saying it right out made her heart almost stop. She didn't care for much, and she thought she didn't care if she didn't make it. But maybe she was just trying to fool herself. She loved Danganronpa and wanted to be a part of it, which, again, she wouldn't admit. Just like with Kokichi, what started as curiosity turned into more.

Humanitysucks: Maybe. There were thousands of people who auditioned. It's like a needle in a haystack

Mikankinnie: That's true.

The conversation seemed to stop there, so Kaede simply went back to scrolling. However, only a minute later, Kokichi texted again.

Mikankinnie: My parents aren't home. Do you want to come over and watch Danganronpa?

Kaede thought about it. It would take their mind off things and they can do something they love together. Maybe it would even lead to something else. They were high schoolers, after all. She nodded to herself and texted him back.

Humanitysucks: Sure. I'll be there in a bit

Not bothering to change out of her uniform, she hurried downstairs and grabbed her house keys. Taking a glance in the living room, she saw her father sitting in his chair, watching baseball with a beer in hand. He hadn't moved an inch since she got home.

"I'm going out, Dad." He simply grunted and took a swig of his beer.

He didn't care. Like always.

Kaede took the subway across town and made it to Kokichi's neighborhood. Once she got to his house and he let her in, they went to his room and Kaede sat on the bed while Kokichi went to his shelf that held all 52 seasons.

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