Double Date with Him?

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Day 4: Spa Day/[Double Date]/Picnic Date

This is my interpretation of the twins since they are still newborns in Katelyn's story. I wanted to add them to this story and I didn't want the normal baby crying about Mommy and Daddy leaving, so I had to age them up to 4 years old. I also don't think they would leave on a date when their babies were just born. I apologize if they aren't exactly like you planned for them to be.

Also, Kokichi is about 6 feet in Katelyn's story, so no short Kokichi

And yes, I inserted myself as the babysitter, I didn't know who else could watch the kids

Oumatsu and Saizono kids belong to Instagram user oumatsubabeartz/Katelyn

Kokichi: grapeseadanganedit on Tumblr
Kaede and Shuichi: YumekoYEEYEE on Reddit
Sayaka: summerotakuchan on Tumblr

"Daddy, noooo, don gooooo!!!" Misumi cried out, big tears falling down her face as she clung to her daddy's leg. The purple haired male picked her up once more and hugged her close, kissing her cheek before going back to the couch and sitting her down. "I'm sorry, princess, I promised Mommy we would go out to eat with friends."

This just made the little girl cry harder. Her sister whined and covered her ears, annoyed by the constant crying.

Kokichi and Kaede have been caring for their baby girls for the past 4 years and decided they needed some couple time. Not because they didn't love their babies, but so they didn't lose their minds, as well as rekindle their love for each other.

Kaede came down the stairs and felt her heart break when she saw Misumi desperately clinging to her husband. "Maybe we should cancel. They're not ready to be away from Mommy and Daddy." Kaede spoke, going to the hallway mirror to take her earrings out.

With Misumi still clung to his torso, Kokichi walked to his wife and stood behind her, his hands on her shoulders as he kissed the top of her head. "Sweetie, I don't want to cancel. The girls will be fine, I promise." He moved closer to her ear to whisper, so Misumi couldn't hear. "We can get them treats to make up for it too."

The blonde looked at her husband in the mirror before sighing and smiling softly. "Okay, okay." She turned and pecked his lips before prying the crying twin off Kokichi. "It's going to be okay, baby girl. Mommy and Daddy will be back. Just be good for Blitz and be nice to your sister."

Misumi whimpered, whipping her tears. "Pwomise Mommy an Daddy be back?" "I promise." She replied, giving her a big kiss on the cheek. The twin giggled and sniffled. "Oke..." "Good girl."

The doorbell went off and Kokichi went to open it while Kaede took her baby to the couch. At the front door stood a girl with light purple hair with blonde roots, smiling brightly. "Blitz, glad you could make it. Come in, come in." The young adult stepped in and took her shoes off while Kokichi led her to the living room.

"Girls, this is Blitz, she'll take care of you while Mommy and Daddy are gone." The girl waved shyly. The twins looked at her with unreadable faces, making Blitz stop waving.

"She has Mommy hair." "But awso Daddy hair."

Kaede giggled. "That's right, her hair is purple and blonde." She waved the girl over, who did that and sat on the couch, letting the twins come up and touch her hair. The couple walked to the door while they were occupied, putting their shoes on. "Bye, princesses. We love you so much." "Wove ou too!" They yelled before going back to Blitz's hair.

The couple went out to the car and went off, driving to the restaurant where they had made reservations.


Now, Kaede hadn't told Kokichi who they were having dinner with. Kokichi didn't really give it any thought either. He just wanted to spend time with his wife and since she wanted to have dinner with friends. So, wanting his wife to be a happy princess, he decided to just go with it, no questions asked.

However, as soon as he saw that blue ahoge standing with the beautiful former pop idol, he seriously regretted agreeing to a dinner with friends, or at least asking who said friends were.

"We're having dinner with the emo!?" Kokichi exclaimed, making everyone around turn and look at him weird, Kaede getting embarrassed and hitting his arm. "Kokichi!" "Can you not scream, we're in public." "You would scream too if you saw an emo. Must be what you do every morning when you look in the mirror." "At least I made you scream during the three-" "BOTH OF YOU, SHUT UP!" The girls screamed at their husbands, faces red from embarrassment and anger.

Someone cleared their throat from behind the Saiharas. A host stood there, a tablet in hand. "Um, may I have the name for the party...?" The blonde laughed nervously, pulling her husband up with her as she walked closer. "Ouma, O-U-M-A." The woman nodded and put the name in. "Table of 4?" Kaede nodded and the woman grabbed a few menus, leading them through the restaurant to their table.

Once sat and they had their drinks, the bickering began once again, the men just throwing insult after insult, always somehow ending up back at the infamous threesome the two had with Kaito, in which the girls had to shut them up once again. All this happened before their food could even get to the table. Thankfully, once it did, the boys finally shut their mouths and let the girls talk, mostly about their children and how much they missed them.

"The triplets are already 3 years old? God, I remember when I first held them in my arms when we visited you after their birth." "Still can't believe your dick managed to reproduce 3 babies at once." "Says the man with twins. And it technically wasn't my dick, it was Sayaka's ov-" "Can we not talk about your dick and her ovaries when I am eating, we know how babies are made, for Christ's sake." "With how horny Shuichi is, you'd think he forgot what happens after." "SAYAKA!"

Other than the occasional bickering, which finally quieted and stayed away from sex topics, the rest of the night went off without a hitch. They collected the tab, splitting it 50-50, before giving their goodbyes and heading off to their cars.

"Can you please warn me the next time we have dinner with the emo?" Kokichi said as the Oumas got into their car. Kaede rolled her eyes. "At least Kaito wasn't able to come tonight, Maki wanted him to spend time with the kids so she could get some rest. Though, no Kaito sounds more like a blessing for me and Sayaka."

The purple-haired male groaned, laying his head back on his headrest. "I'm sorry, okay. Shuichi annoys the hell out of me, and he always has something to say." "More like you have something to say and he can't help but insult you back." Kokichi frowned, more upset now. "I'm sorry, princess."

After a moment of silence, a sigh came from the woman. "As much as I would've liked a nice dinner with friends, I know that's almost impossible with you. But..." she reached over and took his hand in hers, smiling softly, "it's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. I wouldn't change it for the world."

Kokichi gave a gentle smile back and leaded over, giving her a peck on the lips, which she happily returned.

"How about I make it up to you? I got a coupon for a nice motel nearby~" Kaede couldn't help but blush, but giggled softly. "Sure. It better be a really nice motel." "I promise it is. Let Blitz know she can stay in the guest bedroom for tonight."

The blonde nodded and took her phone out, calling Blitz as her husband drove them to the motel a few blocks down, where he rightfully apologized for ruining the dinner date into the night.

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