The Day We Met

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Day 3: [First Meeting]/Free Time Event/Final Goodbye

This concept probably meant in-game first meeting, but I technically already did that on day 1, and I don't want to basically rewrite what the game tells us. So non-despair AU

Hope's Peak Uniform: Vexifairy on Reddit

A loud alarm goes off as a bright light illuminates the room. The blonde in the bed next to it groans and turns to it, sliding the alarm off, making the room dark and silent again. She rubbed her eyes, trying to rub the sleep out of them. From the other bed, a strawberry blonde shifts and sits up, yawning loudly while brushing her hair a little with her fingers.

"First day of school, Iruma. How we feelin'?" The strawberry blonde simply groaned and laid back down, trying to curl back up under her blanket. The other teen giggled softly and sat up, leaning over and turning her lamp on, brightening the room once more.

Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate Pianist. She had just started high school at Shiba Academy, but just a week later, she was scouted by Hope's Peak Academy as a pianist for her multiple awards and invitations to play at concerts. She was hesitant, since she thought her talent was lame compared to others, but she accepted, as it was said your future was pretty much secured if you graduated from the school.

Making her way around the room, she began getting dressed and ready for the day, her first official day as a student of Hope's Peak. She'd been nervous for this day, but was going to power through. She knew she was going to meet so many different and talented people and she wasn't going to make a fool of herself.

Once dressed in the uniform, she realized her roommate hadn't moved since curling back up. Kaede rolled her eyes and grabbed a pillow from Iruma's bed before smacking her. This startled her as she shot up, her hair getting in her face. "What the fuck, man!?" "It's time to get up! We have class at 8:30!"

Iruma groaned, moving her hair out of her face. "It's Hope's Peak, they don't require going to class, we just have to excel in our talents, which I can do right when I wake up on my own terms." She stole the pillow from the teen's hand and laid back down, curling around said pillow.

"Come on, Iruma. It's our first day, just think of how many people we could meet, and all our classmates!" Iruma huffed, not moving. The pianist pouted and thought for a moment, trying to see how to get her out of bed. An idea then popped into her head.

"If you come to class for the first day, I'll buy you boba tea and bunny apples."

That made her perk up. Kaede giggled. She knew the girl's love for boba, and she was always munching on those apples working on inventions.

After a moment, the strawberry blonde groaned once more, finally giving in. "Fine, fine. But I'm holding you to that." The pianist smiled brightly at her roommate's grumpy face. "Thank you!" "Yeah yeah."

While Iruma tried to wake herself up more, Kaede grabbed her school bag and placed some sheet music in for later, looking forward to the kinds of musical instruments the school had. "I'm going to head out and grab some breakfast. I better see you in class, or no tea or apples." "Yes, Mooooooom."

With one last giggle, she placed her room key in her jacket pocket and walked out, heading down to the first floor. She remembered seeing vending machines and hoped they had something like breakfast. She wasn't much for breakfast, but she did need something small.

As she stepped into the main hallway from the stairs, the blonde spotted the vending machine. She hurried over, looking for her wallet in her bag, not seeing as she bumped into someone else, causing them both to fall.

"Oof! I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going!" "It's quite alright! Ibuki shouldn't be in the middle of the hallway!" 'Wait, Ibuki?' Looking up, she saw a girl with long, black hair with highlights, with horn pins on her head.

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