My Princess

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Day 6: Music Lessons/DICE AU/[Royalty AU]

I know a royalty AU is cliché. But it's the best one when it comes to writing. And I like royal AUs, they're cute. Also, Kokichi might be OOC, but I did what I could.

Reminder that Natsuki and Junichi are Kokichi's parents in Instagram user oumatsubabeartz/Katelyn's story
Prince Kokichi: ninfie on Reddit
Princess Kaede: vim_ai on Reddit

Kaede looked out the window of the carriage, her heart pounding so hard, she felt it would pop out of her chest. Next to her was her personal maid to take care of her. Across from her sat the captain of the royal guard who was tasked with the job of watching the princess while they were out of the kingdom.

"Maki, do you think he's really a bad person?" The captain grimaced, looking out the window with her. "I don't know. I never met his majesty. I only know the rumors."

That didn't ease her at all.

The neighboring kingdom of Malum had approached Kaede's kingdom of Omelia with an agreement to begin trade, as well as start an alliance. To show good faith, Omelia decided to offer their eldest daughter as a wife for the king and queen's only son. Kaede, being the older twin, was therefore sent off to meet with the prince and plan their alliance.

The blonde didn't mind, she knew this would happen someday. It wasn't that her parents didn't care, it was just to strengthen the kingdom and give their people a comfortable life. But that was before she heard the rumors of the prince.

The king and queen gave him some power before his marriage to give him a feel for the crown. He had apparently been abusing his power, raising taxes, forcing the poor into awful working conditions, and always throwing extravagant parties, never helping those in poverty.

But that wasn't the worst of it. He would imprison anyone who spoke out against them and even did public executions. It was even said he would torture the people he arrested for his own amusement. His parents wouldn't do anything, he was practicing his hand in law and stopping him would be like babying him

Marrying someone this awful? This despicable? If he did such things to the people of his own kingdom, what would he do to someone he never met? Someone he was forced to marry for an alliance?

Kokichi Ouma. The name sounded normal, one that didn't spark a wicked person in your head. But then again, names meant nothing.

"Your majesty, we've reached the village, we'll be at the castle soon." Kirumi spoke, bringing Kaede out of her thoughts. She looked out the window and saw that they were indeed in a quaint little village. It didn't look disgusting or rat-infested like the rumors would make you believe. It was beautiful, the streets filled with stands, people selling food, clothes, and other artifacts. The faint smell of sweet pastries filled her nose, making her remember that she hadn't eaten since that morning.

While the streets were beautiful and the people seemed happy, when they looked in the direction of the carriage, looks of anger and disgust filled their eyes. The princess couldn't help but cower a little. Omelia and Malum had been enemies for centuries, which was why her parents wanted to form this alliance, to put everything in the past. But it seemed the people weren't as eager to patch things up.

That, or they believed Kaede was just as evil as their practicing king.

The carriage finally made it to the castle gates and rode up the road to the stairs leading up to the large door into the castle. As they got closer, Kaede saw a man with green hair and a woman with pink hair in regal clothing stood at the top of the stairs. They wore crowns upon their heads, so she could only assume they were the king and queen.

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